[CMC] Results of CMC Polls Closing 28 June 2024

CCSDS Secretariat thomas.gannett at tgannett.net
Sat Jun 29 23:12:15 UTC 2024

CMC E-Poll Identifier:  CMC-P-2024-06-001 Authorization to release CCSDS 311.0-P-1.1, Reference Architecture for Space Data Systems (Pink Book, Issue 1.1) for CCSDS Agency review

Results of CMC poll beginning 14 June 2024 and ending 28 June 2024:

                Adopt:  8 (100%) (CNES, CNSA, ESA, ROSCOSMOS, INPE, JAXA, NASA, UKSA)
  Adopt Provisionally:  0 (0%)  
               Reject:  0 (0%)  
 Reject with Comments:  0 (0%)  

Results are based on responses from 8 out of 11 members (72.73%).

No response was received from the following Agencies:


Secretariat Interpretation of Results:  Adopted
Resulting CMC Resolution:               CMC-R-2024-06-001
Inferred Secretariat Action:            Release Review Document

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CMC E-Poll Identifier:  CMC-P-2024-06-002 Authorization to publish CCSDS 732.1-B-3, Unified Space Data Link Protocol (Blue Book, Issue 3)

Results of CMC poll beginning 14 June 2024 and ending 28 June 2024:

                Adopt:  8 (100%) (CNES, CNSA, ESA, ROSCOSMOS, INPE, JAXA, NASA, UKSA)
  Adopt Provisionally:  0 (0%)  
               Reject:  0 (0%)  
 Reject with Comments:  0 (0%)  

Results are based on responses from 8 out of 11 members (72.73%).

No response was received from the following Agencies:


Secretariat Interpretation of Results:  Adopted
Resulting CMC Resolution:               CMC-R-2024-06-002
Inferred Secretariat Action:            Publish Document

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