[CMC] CMC Mid-Term Telecon - Doodle Poll

Massaquoi, Amber S AMassaquoi at asrcfederal.com
Wed Jun 26 14:09:10 UTC 2024

Dear CMC Members,

Please follow the following link to vote on a 2-hour time slot and date for our next CMC Mid-Term telecon to occur in September. I have opted for 1100/EDT - 1300/EDT as this time slot is the best possible option to accommodate all of our time zones. Please vote for a preferred date no later than Fri, 28 June.

Doodle Poll Link: https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/eXkJq95d

Please let me know if you need a larger range of times and/or dates.

Thank you.


Amber Massaquoi
Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems Secretariat
Space Communications and Navigation
NASA Headquarters
(301) 837-5520


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