[CMC] CMC-A-2016-06-02 - Future Meeting Dates

Ross, David (HQ-CG000)[Arctic Slope Technical Services, Inc.] david.ross at nasa.gov
Thu Jul 7 14:29:23 UTC 2016

Jean-Marc and All,

I have corrected the file per Jean-Marc's point below. I have also added a few more years and returned the CMC meetings to the originally planned observer agency rotation.

If additional changes are required please do not hesitate to contact me. The file is in the same location - here<http://cwe.ccsds.org/sec/Private/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=%2Fsec%2FPrivate%2FMeeting%20Preparation%20Files%2FPlanning%20Documentation&FolderCTID=0x0120007B945E9EC0B65141BD95F7936B205E45&View=%7b1FE50E6E-BA9F-416E-ABFF-45F8EFD8124C%7d>.

Thank you,

From: Soula Jean-Marc [mailto:Jean-Marc.Soula at cnes.fr]
Sent: Thursday, July 07, 2016 4:33 AM
To: Ross, David (HQ-CG000)[Arctic Slope Technical Services, Inc.] <david.ross at nasa.gov>
Cc: CCSDS Management Council (CMC at mailman.ccsds.org) (CMC at mailman.ccsds.org) <cmc at mailman.ccsds.org>
Subject: RE: CMC-A-2016-06-02 - Future Meeting Dates

Bonjour David

Thank you for creating the file which will be very useful.

I have just a comment on my understanding of the sequence of meetings as was done so far:

-        In the Fall, Agencies such as ESA, DLR, ASI, UK-SA and CNES are used to host WG plenary meetings and CMC meetings on consecutive weeks and at the same location, when their time comes (e.g.: ASI in F 2016).

-        ESA will host such meetings every two years and others of those agencies will in turn host, instead of ESA, on every other year.

-        NASA hosts WG plenary meetings, once a year in the Spring, but no CMC meeting.

-        Agencies such as JAXA, CSA, INPE, RFSA, CNSA or observers only host the CMC meetings when NASA is the organizer of the WG plenary meetings.

I believe your table follows the above historical rules for the WG plenary meetings but not for the CMC meetings.
For instance, CNES will be prepared to host the WG plenary meetings and the CMC meetings in the Fall 2020.

Please double check and modify as required.

Best regards

Jean-Marc Soula
Advisor, GN Operations
18 Avenue Edouard Belin
31401 Toulouse Cedex 9 - France
Tel.: +33 (0)5 61 2 74647
Fax.: +33 (0)5 61 2 73135
Email: Jean-Marc.Soula at cnes.fr<mailto:Jean-Marc.Soula at cnes.fr>
De : CMC [mailto:cmc-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org] De la part de Ross, David (HQ-CG000)[Arctic Slope Technical Services, Inc.]
Envoyé : mardi 5 juillet 2016 23:30
À : CCSDS Management Council (CMC at mailman.ccsds.org<mailto:CMC at mailman.ccsds.org>) (CMC at mailman.ccsds.org<mailto:CMC at mailman.ccsds.org>)
Objet : [CMC] CMC-A-2016-06-02 - Future Meeting Dates

Dear CMC Members,

In response to action CMC-A-2016-06-02 - instructing the Secretariat to create an excel file including the detailed dates of all forthcoming meetings, providing a unified list of all detailed dates and locations for CCSDS Technical meetings and CMC meetings. Please find that this action is now completed and the file is located on the CWE at the following location:


Please let me know if you have any questions or changes.

Thank you,

David Ross, MPA, PMP
ASRC Federal
ph.: 240-565-2231
email: David.Ross at nasa.gov<mailto:David.Ross at nasa.gov>

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