[Secretariat] [CMC] CCSDS Strategic Plan Draft 13

JAXA CCSDS Secretary Office jaxa.ccsds at jaxa.jp
Tue Mar 11 02:52:11 EST 2014

Dear Nick-san,

JAXA has no further comment as we confirmed that JAXA comments are
appropriately reflected in the updated version, and JAXA inquiries are
understandably answered.

Concerning comments provided from other agencies, we try to follow how
they will be disposed in our discussion at the next CMC meeting in April.

Best Regards,

JAXA CCSDS Secretariat

----- Original Message ----- 
Objet : RE: [Secretariat] [CMC] CCSDS Strategic Plan Draft 13

Dear CMC Members:

In order to comply with the instructions provided below, please submit your 
comments to me by 25 March 2014 so that I can consolidate them and forward 
to Nestor by the 28th.



Nick Tongson
For the Secretariat of the Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems 
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics  www.aiaa.org
1801 Alexander Bell Drive, Suite 500, Reston, VA 20191-4344
nickt at aiaa.org<mailto:nickt at aiaa.org> 703.264.7515 (direct)

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secretariat-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org<mailto:secretariat-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org> 
[mailto:secretariat-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org] On Behalf Of 
Nestor.Peccia at esa.int<mailto:Nestor.Peccia at esa.int>
Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2014 5:58 PM
To: CCSDS Management Council
Cc: cesg at mailman.ccsds.org<mailto:cesg at mailman.ccsds.org>
Subject: [Secretariat] [CMC] CCSDS Strategic Plan Draft 13

Dear CMC members

Please find attached the following documents

CCSDS Strategic Plan (Draft 13) with tracked changes

CCSDS Strategic Plan (Draft 13) clean version

CESG responses to CMC comments

The majority of the CMC comments have been implemented. External relations 
and outreach have been added in the CCSDS Charter as an initial step

We will appreciate a set of CMC consolidated comments by 28th March 2014 
cob. This is the reason of distributing the Plan 1 month prior to the 

As CESG Chair, I expect a reduced number of comments, such that we can 
finally published a non perfect version (but better that the current 
official 2006 one). If the CESG is confronted again with dozens of comments, 
it will take another iteration of 6 months.

CMC needs to consider the following when reviewing the doc.:

  *   Your first reaction will be that it is not only a Strategic Plan 
because it also includes references to all books produced in the past, books 
currently in production and books not yet in the CWE.
     *   The final goal is to include the Strategic Plan in the CWE (as many 
Standards Organizations do), using the existing web site and augmented 
materials linked via hyperlink
     *   The document also indicates (highlighted in blue) for every Area / 
WG goal the following details (to be referenced via hyperlinks in the CWE):
Note: It is clear that this type of information is not part of the Strategy, 
but it is given for the sake of completeness,
 In order to have the full roadmap in the CWE we need also to include the 
planned books for the next 7-10 years. The notion of started or fund 
committed / to be started or not yet funded CWE Projects have to be 
     *   The CWE will also show the tactical Plan (i.e.Charters, Projects, 
Resources, Schedule)
     *   Interdependencies between WGs and Projects are not shown (too 


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