[CMC] Result of Poll: Approval of new WG Charter - Cross Support Service Management WG (CSSM-WG)

ccsds techsupport ccsds_techsupport at aiaa.org
Fri Oct 12 14:24:57 EDT 2012

CMC E-Poll Identifier:  CMC-P-2012-09-003 Approval of new WG Charter - Cross Support Service Management WG (CSSM-WG)

Results of CMC poll beginning 18 September 2012 and ending 2 October 2012:

                 ADOPT:  6 (66.66%) (ASI, ESA, FSA, INPE, JAXA, NASA)
                REJECT:  0 (0%)

CNES: As stated, the group has no boundaries and no schedule,but also no clear plan to establish those. The lifecycle approach, if too wide, will consume resources. The goals are too open: choices and priorities should be established in a roadmap, beforehand to the start of projects. In particular, the services to be managed should be sorted out (e.g.: CDMA seems strange in this context). Services under development in other WGs may put the schedule of the SM WG activity at risk, as management may only start being developped after those services are produced. Also, CESG should clarify upfront if CS-SM should concentrate on Service Catalog #1 services and if the assumption that SIS will take care of the Space Internetworking management.

DLR: Please add at least a kind of schedule to see, when what task is considered to be done. Otherwise the risk sentence: "The main managerial risk is that the set of recommendations will run over schedule with regard to production resources available" makes no sense.

UKSA: The link above takes you to a charter that finishes with a blank list of approved projects. This is confusing if there are no projects that need to be listed. Either there should be projects listed or the spurious heading should be removed.

Results are based on responses from 9 out of 11 members (81.81%).
No response was received from the following Agencies:


Secretariat Interpretation of Results:  Adopted Provisionally
Resulting CMC Resolution:               TBD
Inferred Secretariat Action:            Address Provisions, Approve Charter
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