[CMC] ICPA review

Kearney, Mike W. (MSFC-EO01) mike.kearney at nasa.gov
Tue Jul 31 18:23:24 EDT 2012

CMC members:  The IOAG-CCSDS Product Agreement (ICPA) is ready for your review and a vote before baselining it.

Please review the online data at this website:

The four joint IOAG and CCSDS technical leaders that have compiled this data, based on existing agreements and understandings, are Adrian Hooke, Wallace Tai, Gian-Paolo Calzolari and Michael Schmidt.  At the same time the IOAG will be reviewing the ICPA and compiling any comments that they may have.

If you have comments, please send them to the Secretariat and the CESG Chairs (Adrian and Nestor) by September 15.   You can copy the CMC mail list if you feel that your comments need review by the rest of the CMC.

The overall schedule is this:

CMC review from now until Sept 15 (7½  weeks from now).  This long period is to accommodate summer holidays.
On Sept 17 comments and changes will be incorporated.
CMC poll from Sept 18 until October 2 to approve the baselined ICPA.

A quick refresher on the ICPA:

The first seven column describe the CCSDS document projects from our database.  Notice "IOAG Services" in that document are listed.
There are three IOAG columns that describe their priority, need dates and comments.
There are two CCSDS columns that describe the CCSDS response to the IOAG statements.

"Agreed" in the CCSDS column means that the document work is approved and we agree to meet the IOAG requested priority and schedule.   "Under Review" in the CCSDS response simply means that CCSDS cannot yet agree to providing the document on the requested schedule, usually due to resource limitations.  Notice that all of the "Under Review" items say "Unapproved" in the Charter column, because that work has not yet been approved by the CMC.

I hope this goes smoothly and we will soon have a functioning online IOAG-CCSDS Product Agreement database.

Best regards,

   -=- Mike

Mike Kearney
Lead Technology Manager
Mission Operations Laboratory

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