[CMC] CCSDS External Participants to ESOC meetings

Nestor.Peccia at esa.int Nestor.Peccia at esa.int
Mon Apr 2 08:09:13 EDT 2012


----- Forwarded by Nestor Peccia/esoc/ESA on 02/04/2012 14:11 -----

Nestor Peccia/esoc/ESA
"Kearney, Mike W. (MSFC-EO01)" <mike.kearney at nasa.gov>, "Hooke, Adrian J. 
(JPL Secondary)" <adrian.j.hooke at jpl.nasa.gov>, Nick Tongson 
<NickT at aiaa.org>
02/04/2012 11:42
CCSDS External Participants to ESOC meetings

Dear all,

Please find below the current list of external participants to CCSDS 
meetings at ESOC. This is necessary for site and wifi access.

ASI, JAXA and CSA representatives are not yet registered for the CMC 
SOIS AD + SEA / SLS / SOIS / SIS DADs will not participate in the Joint 
CESG / CMC meeting on 23rd April

CESG Executive Meeting ‎on 20th April 2012 in ESOC H 168

Name                    e-mail Nationality      Affiliation 
=====                   =====                                   ========= 
Barkley , Erik          erik.barkley at jpl.nasa.gov               USA 
Gannett, Thomas         tomg at aiaa.org                   USA NASA 
HOOKE, Adrian           adrian.j.hooke at jpl.nasa.gov             USA 
MOURY, Gilles           gilles.moury at cnes.fr                    French 
Scott, Keith            kscott at mitre.org                        USA NASA 
Shames, Peter           peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov             USA 
Stanton, Dai            dstanton at keltik.co.uk                   UK UKSA 
Thompson, Roger         roger.thompson at scisys.co.uk             UK UKSA 
Yamada, Takahiro        tyamada at isas.jaxa.jp                    Japanese 

CESG / CMC Joint Meeting ‎on 23rd April 2012 + CMC meeting on 24th / 25th 
April in ESOC K111 / K112

Name                    e-mail Nationality      Affiliation 
=====                   =====                                   ========= 
Barkley , Erik          erik.barkley at jpl.nasa.gov               USA 
Gannett, Thomas         tomg at aiaa.org                   USA NASA 
Hooke, Adrian           adrian.j.hooke at jpl.nasa.gov             USA 
Scott, Keith            kscott at mitre.org                        USA NASA 
Shames, Peter           peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov             USA 
Stanton, Dai            dstanton at keltik.co.uk                   UK UKSA 
Afarin, James           james.afarin at nasa.gov           USA NASA-HQ
Allan, Peter            peter.allan at stfc.ac.uk                  UK UKSA
Barannikov, Dmitry      mutafyan at tsniimash.ru                   Russian 
FSA (Roscosmos) 
Bergamini, Eduardo      e.w.bergamini at uol.com.br                Brazil 
gu, xiaodong            gu_xiaodong at hotmail.com                 Chinese 
Kearney, Mike           Mike.Kearney at nasa.gov           USA NASA-MSFC
Mutafyan, Alexey        mutafyan at tsniimash.ru                   Russian 
FSA (Roscosmos) 
Pilgram, Martin                 martin.pilgram at dlr.de German    DLR 
Soula, Jean-Marc        jean-marc.soula at cnes.fr                 French 
Sun, Huixian            shxian at nssc.ac.cn                       China CNSA 

Tongson. Nick           nickt at aiaa.org                          USA NASA 
Ye, Jianshe             yejianshe at bittt.cn                      Chinese 
Zaichko, Valery         opoi at roscosmos.ru                       Russian 
FSA (Roscosmos) 
Zhang, RuSheng  zhangrusheng at cnsa.gov.cn                Chinese CNSA 
Thompson, Roger         roger.thompson at scisys.co.uk             UK UKSA 

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