Kearney, Mike W. (MSFC-EO01) mike.kearney at nasa.gov
Thu Mar 31 19:10:42 EST 2011

When: Wednesday, April 06, 2011 6:00 AM-8:00 AM (GMT-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada).
Where: telecon

Note: The GMT offset above does not reflect daylight saving time adjustments.


The CMC will have our regular mid-term telecon on 6 April at 1200 UTC.  We will plan on a duration of 2 hours.  This is as agreed to during the London CMC meeting.

*UPDATE* Since some regions have gone on Summer time, some times have changed (specifically Brazil, Beijing, Tokyo and UTC).   Check these times below and confirm that they sync with your calendar schedule, or contact Mike if there are anomalies.

•       0600 Huntsville
•       0700 Montreal, DC
•       0800 Brazil
•       1100 UTC
•       1200 London
•       1300 CET
•       1500 Moscow
•       1900 Beijing
•       2000 Tokyo

To join the WebEx to view presentation material (Now from iPhones too!)
Topic: CMC Telecon
Date: Thursday, February 10, 2011
Meeting Number: 993 909 667
Meeting Password: 54321go!

1. Go to https://nasa.webex.com/nasa/j.php?ED=162256012&UID=0&PW=NNDMxNjQxOTI2&RT=MiM3
2. Enter your name and email address.
3. Enter the meeting password: 54321go!
4. Click "Join Now".

To view in other time zones or languages, please click the link:

To join the audio conference
Dial the local number for you below, and then
enter the Participant Passcode: 3232323232 (five 32’s) followed by #.
Anyone can dial the USA toll number   +1-517-466-2380, if there is difficulty with these local numbers.

(Anticipated CMC member numbers are highlighted in yellow)

USA or WORLDWIDE                        1-517-466-2380                  866-803-2146

Country Region  Local Toll number       Toll-free number
BRAZIL                                                                  0800-7610633
CHINA                   CHINA A:        86-400-810-4787                 10800-712-1673
CHINA                   CHINA B:        86-400-810-4787                 10800-120-1673
FRANCE                  LYON:           33-4-26-69-14-26                080-563-6113
FRANCE                  MARSEILLE:      33-4-86-06-02-26                080-563-6113
FRANCE                  PARIS:          33-1-76-74-24-97                080-563-6113
GERMANY                                 49-69-2222-4877                 0800-664-4248
ITALY                                   39-02-3601-9627                 800-986-384
JAPAN                   OSAKA:          81-6-7739-4787                  00531-12-1915
JAPAN                   TOKYO:          81-3-5539-5182                  00531-12-1915
NETHERLANDS                             31-20-718-8591                  0800-020-0407
RUSSIA                                                                  8-10-8002-9793011
SPAIN                                   34-91-414-25-34                 800-300-054
SWEDEN                                  46-8-566-19-385                 0200-884-623
SWITZERLAND                             41-44-580-4986                  0800-120-033
UNITED KINGDOM          BIRMINGHAM:     44-121-210-9066                 0808-238-6021
UNITED KINGDOM          GLASGOW:        44-141-202-3266                 0808-238-6021
UNITED KINGDOM          LEEDS:          44-113-301-2166                 0808-238-6021
UNITED KINGDOM          LONDON:         44-20-3043-2491                 0808-238-6021
UNITED KINGDOM          MANCHESTER:     44-161-601-1466                 0808-238-6021
USA                                     1-517-466-2380                  866-803-2146

Certain dialing restrictions can apply from specific countries. To ensure that you have the correct dialing procedures, check this link:
¥ Restrictions may exist when accessing freephone/toll free numbers using a mobile telephone. Country Freephone numbers cannot be used outside of the country listed. Use the USA toll number if you encounter Freephone restrictions.

For assistance
1. Go to https://nasa.webex.com/nasa/mc
2. On the left navigation bar, click "Support".

You can contact me at:
mike.kearney at nasa.gov<mailto:mike.kearney at nasa.gov>

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