[CMC] Re: CMC Resolutions re the SANA & SSG

Marc Blanchet marc.blanchet at viagenie.ca
Fri Jun 17 20:05:12 EDT 2011

2. The SSG membership has been slightly changed, as documented in the
  attached. Mike Kearney will remain as the Secretariat
  representative. Nestor Peccia will be replaced by Jean-Marc Soula
  (CNES) and Martin Pilgram (DLR). Please add them to the SSG
  mailing list.

Done. working on the candidate registries list.


Le 11-05-26 15:07, Shames, Peter M (313B) a écrit :
> Hi Mark,
> During the CMC meeting we reviewed the proposed SSG approach, the
> proposed formal language changes to the Procedures and SANA Yellow Books
> and also the approach that the ad hoc SSG decided upon for getting the
> Candidate Registries approved. Here is a summary the status and a request:
>    1. The language describing the SSG, as reflected in the attached
>       resolution, was tentatively approved, the only stated issue was
>       understanding and documenting the relationship between the SSG and
>       the CMC.
>    2. The SSG membership has been slightly changed, as documented in the
>       attached. Mike Kearney will remain as the Secretariat
>       representative. Nestor Peccia will be replaced by Jean-Marc Soula
>       (CNES) and Martin Pilgram (DLR). Please add them to the SSG
>       mailing list.
>    3. The CMC request on how to handle the Candidate Registries is to
>       ask each CMC members to request that the ADs and WG chairs in
>       their respective agencies review and approve, or update, these
>       registries. Since all CCSDS participants answer most directly to
>       the agencies who fund them this should prove effective.
>    4. To that end the CMC asked that you do the following:
>          1. Produce a spreadsheet with an entry for each Candidate Registry
>          2. For each Registry entry indicate the document, the Area that
>             the document belongs to, and the WG (if one currently
>             exists) that produced the document
>          3. Send this spreadsheet to me for completion, if needed
>    5. The final spreadsheet will be sent to the CMC Chair (Kearney) and
>       he will forward it to the CMC members for each agency that has an
>       AD or WG chair affected by this
>    6. If we cannot identify an current WG the AD will be asked to take
>       responsibility
>    7. The schedule will be to request closure of this action within 4
>       weeks of the time of notification of the ADs and WG chairs
> The final SANA draft Yellow Book, with all RIDs resolved, will go out to
> the CMC for a poll as soon as the technical Editor can produce it. The
> final versions of the specific RIDs that were reviewed by the CMC, is
> attached. The only other issue raised during discussion was that of the
> composition of the SSG.
> If any of the CESG or CMC have suggestions as to changes in the
> composition of thE SSG please bring these forward now.
> Best regards, Peter
> ________________________________________________________
> Peter Shames
> CCSDS System Engineering Area Director
> Jet Propulsion Laboratory, MS 301-490
> California Institute of Technology
> Pasadena, CA 91109 USA
> Telephone: +1 818 354-5740, Fax: +1 818 393-6871
> Internet: Peter.M.Shames at jpl.nasa.gov
> ________________________________________________________
> We must recognize the strong and undeniable influence that our language
> exerts on our ways of thinking and, in fact, delimits the abstract space
> in which we can formulate - give form to - our thoughts.
> Niklaus Wirth

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