[CMC] Results CMC Polls Ending 11 April 2011

CCSDS Secretariat tomg at aiaa.org
Tue Apr 12 08:40:59 EDT 2011

CMC E-Poll Identifier:  CMC-P-2011-03-013 
Authorization to approve the draft minutes from 
the November 2010 CMC meeting in London

Results of CMC poll beginning 28 March 2011 and ending 11 April 2011:

                 ADOPT:  3 (75%) (DLR, INPE, JAXA)
                REJECT:  0 (0%)

      CNES:  1 - Some actions are included in the 
text. Not all of them. Not with the same wording 
as in the action list. In section 25, an action 
on SC13-SC14 joint meeting doesn't belong to the 
action list. All this to be corrected and 
numbering of actions to be added for cross verification.
2 - In §4.2, "Time C&S" should read "Time 
Correlation and Synchronization", to avoid ambiguity with other accronyms.
3 - In section 14, the mentioned resolutions do 
not match the list of CMC resolutions. To be corrected.
4 - Section 16 calls for a Fall 2011 CMC meeting 
in December while section 25.3 anounces it in November ; to be harmonized.
5 - Very last line of the minutes ; I believe the 
meeting was adjourned in 2010.

Results are based on responses from 4 out of 11 members (36.36%).

No response was received from the following Agencies:


Secretariat Interpretation of Results:  Failed to Achieve Quorum
Resulting CMC Resolution:               None
Inferred Secretariat Action:            No Action

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CMC E-Poll Identifier:  CMC-P-2011-03-015 Request 
for nominations to fill Space Internetworking Services Area Director vacancy

Results of CMC poll beginning 28 March 2011 and ending 11 April 2011:


      ASI:  No nomination from ASI
      CNES:  CNES has no nomination to propose.
      DLR:  no nomination from DLR
      ESA:  ESA does not propose any nomination
      INPE:  INPE has no nomination to propose.
      JAXA:  JAXA has no nomination to propose.
      NASA:  NASA nominates Dr. Keith Scott of 
Mitre Corp., a NASA contractor, as SIS Area 
Director.  Dr. Scott has been a leader in 
developing network technology for many years, and 
currently chairs the DTN Working Group within 
CCSDS.  His technical acumen and knowledge of 
CCSDS working processes make him an ideal candidate for this role.

Secretariat Interpretation of Results:  Dr. Keith Scott is sole nominee
Inferred Secretariat Action:            Initiate Approval Poll

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