[CMC]DDOR WG participation from JAXA (Dr. Takeuchi)

JAXA CCSDS Secretary Office jaxa.ccsds at jaxa.jp
Wed Sep 22 02:21:04 EDT 2010

Dear sirs,

This email is response to JAXA's AI of CMC mid-term telecon Sep. 16th.

The AI is to confirm whether Dr. Takeuchi participate to 2010 CCSDS DDOR WG
at London.

I confirmed that Dr. Takeuchi will go to London to participate

Best regards,

JAXA CCSDS Secretariat

***  JAXA CCSDS Secretary Office     ***
***   <Phone>  +81 50 3362 7619          ***
***   <Fax>     +81 29 868 2990           ***
***   <E-Mail> JAXA.CCSDS at jaxa.jp    ***

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