[CMC] Results of CMC Polls Closing 31 August-2 September 2010

CCSDS Secretariat tomg at aiaa.org
Fri Sep 3 15:14:16 EDT 2010

CMC E-Poll Identifier:  CMC-P-2010-08-005 Authorization to approve 
the draft minutes from the June 2010 CMC meeting in Brazil

Results of CMC poll beginning 18 August 2010 and ending 31 August 2010:

                 ADOPT:  5 (83.33%) (DLR, ESA, FSA, JAXA, NASA)
                REJECT:  0 (0%)

      CNES:  Comments:
- Title on first page should remind the dates of the meetings.
- Section 4 (actions) : the status of the actions should refer to 
their respective action number and title.
- Section 10 (IOAG) :
* First sentence is not clear : reference to SFCG must be wrong ; 
text "similar to CCSDS" should be deleted.
* Fourth sentence "need to discuss how to work ... BOF" is not clear 
and should be deleted or clarified.
- Section 11 (Area reports) :
* for each area, thank you to add the names of the presenter.
* fifth bullet (pink sheets on TC frame repeat) : sentence should be 
reworded as the CESG cannot request that the CMC issues a blue book 
and pink sheets should go to agency review (if significant) or the 
epoll (if editorial).
* SIS area report : typo on Space (not Safe) packet protocol.
* SE report (first sentence) : replace "CMC appoint at least two 
other members" with "CMC appoints two non-US members".
- Section 12 (SANA) : in first sentence replace "other agencies" with 
"non-US agencies".
- Section 14 (IOAG) : typo on Mr Hooke's name ; The second paragraph 
should start with "The CMC resolved".
- Section 18 (Publication) : add the following as last but one paragraphs:
"Mr Moury indicated more editorial comments will be provided.
The secretariat was tasked to update th yellow book accordingly with 
the results of discussions."
- Action item table : the line with "action items from the june 2010 
meeting" is repeated too many times in the table ; please clean it.

Results are based on responses from 6 out of 11 members (54.55%).

No response was received from the following Agencies:


Secretariat Interpretation of Results:  Adopted Provisionally
Resulting CMC Resolution:               CMC-R-2010-08-006
Inferred Secretariat Action:            Release minutes after 
provisions have been addressed.

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CMC E-Poll Identifier:  CMC-P-2010-08-006 Authorization to publish 
Corrigendum 1 to CCSDS 133.0-B-1, Space Packet Protocol (Blue Book, 
Issue 1, September 2003)

Results of CMC poll beginning 18 August 2010 and ending 2 September 2010:

                 ADOPT:  6 (85.71%) (DLR, ESA, INPE, JAXA, NASA, UKSA)
                REJECT:  0 (0%)

      CNES:  Approval is based on assumption that this corrigendum 
will be reported to SC13 for alignment of the ISO standard.
      INPE:  The approval assumes that the concomitant process 
through ISO TC20/SC13 will be provided for the updating of the 
corresponding document in the ISO domain.

Results are based on responses from 7 out of 11 members (63.64%).

No response was received from the following Agencies:


Secretariat Interpretation of Results:  Adopted Provisionally
Resulting CMC Resolution:               CMC-R-2010-09-001
Inferred Secretariat Action:            Publish Corrigendum

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