[CMC] HEADS UP! Two additional IOAG/CCSDS meetings in CO Springs on 16-17 April

Adrian J. Hooke adrian.j.hooke at jpl.nasa.gov
Thu Feb 19 15:32:10 EST 2009

At the second Interoperability Plenary meeting (IOP-2) held last 
December in Geneva, the following resolutions #4 and #6 were passed:
4) The IOAG's ground-based Cross Support Service Catalog should be 
completed and agreed by all IOAG participants in order to establish a 
common basis across the Agencies for the consolidation of 
ground-based cross support by 2011. Agencies should agree to 
implement IOAG recommendations for missions which may benefit from 
cross-support and/or international cooperation. It is an IOAG goal to 
have a plurality of the participating Agencies capable of providing 
ground-based cross support of an agreed common IOAG Service catalog 
by the end of calendar year 2015.

6) The IOAG's Space Internetworking Strategy Group (SISG) should 
formalize a draft Solar System Internetwork (SSI) Operations Concept 
and candidate architectural definition in time for IOAG-13 and should 
prepare a mature architectural proposal for review and endorsement at 
the third Inter-Operability Plenary meeting (IOP-3). At that time, 
the IOAG is requested to present an enhanced service catalog for 
The fates of the CCSDS Cross Support Services area, the 
IOAG-at-large, and the IOAG-SISG are thus now linked. The IOAG needs 
to first agree on a catalog of basic ground-based services 
("Catalog-1") by 2011, with a first report about the proposed catalog 
at IOAG-13 this coming September. It is assumed that this Catalog-1 
will codify the basic set of  ground services needed to implement 
forward and return space link access at the Link layer and below 
(F-CLTU, RAF, RCF, RUFT, etc.), plus their associated ground monitor 
and tracking services. The SISG then needs to agree on the 
enhancements to Catalog-1 ("Catalog-2") that are needed to implement 
end-to-end and in-space internetworking services at the Network layer 
and above. It is assumed that these Catalog-2 extensions will be 
defined by the ~mid 2011 timeframe.

Accordingly, it has been proposed to run a joint meeting of the 
IOAG/CCSDS Catalog-1 and Catalog-2 teams in Colorado Springs on 16-17 
April. The teams will meet jointly in plenary sessions a couple of 
times each day but otherwise they will work independently. We have 
secured the two Board Rooms in the Penrose House for these meetings.

Erik and Yves: please confirm that this is acceptable to you and 
alert your personnel to the add-on meetings. Also, the Catalog-1 team 
should contain representatives from the IOAG ground network 
organizations, so please feel free to invite the usual suspects.

Best regards

Adrian J. Hooke
Chairman, CCSDS Engineering Steering Group (CESG) and
CCSDS Technical Liaison to the IOAG
NASA Headquarters
Space Communications and Navigation Office, 7L70
Space Operations Mission Directorate
Washington, DC 20546-0001
Office: (+1) 202.358.0097
Mobile: (+1) 818.653.9553
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