[CMC] IOAG Membership request from BNSC

Adrian J. Hooke adrian.j.hooke at jpl.nasa.gov
Sun Jun 15 00:58:48 EDT 2008

>Subject: IOAG Membership request from BNSC
>Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2008 15:02:32 +0100
>From: "David Parker (STFC,SPO)" <David.Parker at stfc.ac.uk>
>To: <James.A.Costrell at nasa.gov>, <Warren.L.Martin at jpl.nasa.gov>
>Cc: "Tawney, Timothy (HQ-TG000)" <timothy.tawney at nasa.gov>,
>         "Kirkham, Gib (HQ-ND050)" <gib.kirkham at nasa.gov>,
>         "Schier, James (HQ-CG000)" <james.schier-1 at nasa.gov>,
>         "Peter Allan (RAL,SPBU)" <P.M.Allan at rl.ac.uk>,
>         <david.williams at bnsc.gsi.gov.uk>,
>         "Gibson Ian (DIUS BNSC)" <Ian.Gibson at bnsc.gsi.gov.uk>,
>         "Chris Castelli (STFC,SPO)" <Chris.Castelli at stfc.ac.uk>,
>         "Jeremy Curtis (RAL,SPBU)" <J.Curtis at rl.ac.uk>,
>         "Richard Crowther (RAL,SPBU)" <R.Crowther at rl.ac.uk>
>Dear James, Dear Warren cc colleagues
>I am writing to you on behalf of the British National Space Centre 
><file://www.bnsc.gov.uk>www.bnsc.gov.uk which coordinates the UK's 
>civil space activities on behalf of HM Government to apply for 
>membership of the Interagency Operations Advisory Group.
>BNSC has been engaged in discussions with international partners in 
>relation to future space exploration opportunities for sometime, and 
>in particular through the joint preparation of the Global 
>Exploration Strategy Framework for Coordination document. You may be 
>aware of the BNSC/NASA Joint Working Group on lunar exploration 
>which envisages a number of possible areas of collaboration between 
>the US and UK. In particular, the possibility of jointly undertaking 
>a UK-led robotic lunar mission, MoonLITE, has been highlighted. The 
>JWG report may be found here:
>Among its objectives, MoonLITE is intended to be a pathfinder of a 
>future quasi-commercial lunar telcoms and navigation service.
>We are also in discussion with NASA with regard to the proposed 
>International Lunar Network. I understand that certain aspects of 
>the communications and interoperability aspects are being discussed 
>under the framework of the IOAG. Our nominee for the comms and 
>navigation aspects of the ILN activities is Peter Allan from our 
>national space science and technology facility at the Rutherford 
>Appleton Laboratory and it would be natural for him to be the UK 
>delegate to the IOAG, if our membership is acceptable to you.
>For information, our principal contact with NASA HQ regarding the 
>BNSC/NASA JWG is Gib Kirkham and on the ILN it is Tim Tawney.
>Thanking you for your consideration,
>Kind regards
>Dr David Parker
>BNSC Director of Space Science
>phone (BNSC)  +44 (0) 203 800 8787 (note change)
>phone (STFC)    +44 (0) 1793 44 2174
>fax:                     +44 (0) 203 800 8842
>mobile:             +44 (0) 7901 514 969
><mailto:david.parker at STFC.ac.uk>david.parker at STFC.ac.uk

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