[CMC] Re: Repository Audit and Certification Working Group

Adrian J. Hooke adrian.j.hooke at jpl.nasa.gov
Tue Apr 22 08:07:56 EDT 2008

At 07:05 AM 4/22/2008, Allan, PM (Peter) wrote:
>..  I believe the question should be - is CCSDS the appropriate forum?

Peter: if I remember correctly, a decade or so ago ISO specifically 
asked CCSDS to take on the archiving work because they thought it was 
the appropriate forum. My question remains: is that still the case? 
Or have other standards organizations evolved to the point where they 
could now take back the leadership? Has anybody assessed whether it 
might be time to start offloading this work by being a participant in 
someone else's standardization activity?

If you look at the monthly website report, you will see that the 
"Reference Model for an Open Archival Information System (OAIS)" is 
consistently the number one most popular download - usually by a 
factor of about five. Is that because there is tremendous, burning 
interest in the space community about interoperability of data 
archives, or is it an indication that the interest lies elsewhere? 
When we host a meeting, do the attendees from the repositories 
community fan-out across the other working groups to infuse their 
knowledge, or do they stick together and simply cause our meeting 
attendance statistics to inflate? If the latter, could they meet 
someplace else in another venue, and thus reduce our (growing) hosting load?

Best regards

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