[CMC] Re: [CESG] 11 April NASA-CMLP Report

Jean-Luc.Gerner at esa.int Jean-Luc.Gerner at esa.int
Sat May 26 19:22:07 EDT 2007

My understanding from the January meeting with John Rush was that these
regular reports would provide technical information, so that we could provide
early technical feedback/advice on the technical trade-offs.
In fact the reports do not provide any technical info.

Jean-Luc Gerner
Tel: +31 71 565 4473

             "Adrian J. Hooke"                                               
             <adrian.j.hooke at jp                                              
             l.nasa.gov>                                                  To 
             Sent by:                   CCSDS Engineering Steering Group -   
             cesg-bounces at mailm         ADs <cesg at mailman.ccsds.org>         
             an.ccsds.org                                                 cc 
                                        CCSDS-NASA Space Protocols Working   
                                        Group <spwg at mailman.ccsds.org>,      
             18/05/2007 18:51           CCSDS Management Council             
                                        <cmc at mailman.ccsds.org>              
                                        [CESG] 11 April NASA-CMLP Report     

      Subject: FW: April CMLP Report
      Date: Fri, 18 May 2007 12:30:45 -0400
      From: "Costrell, James (HQ-CG000)" <james.costrell at nasa.gov>
      To: "Rosenbaum, Nancy B. \(GSFC-450.0\)[SGT]"
      <nancy.b.rosenbaum at nasa.gov>
      Cc: "Rush, John J. \(HQ-CG000\)" <john.j.rush at nasa.gov>,
              "Adde, Barbara \(HQ-CG000\)" <barbara.adde at nasa.gov>,
              <james.Costrell at hq.nasa.gov>, <Adrian.J.Hooke at jpl.nasa.gov>,
              "wlmartin" <warren.l.martin at jpl.nasa.gov>

      Nancy - The current NASA Coding, Modulation, and Link Protocol (CMLP)
      Study Team report is attached.  Please distribute to the IAOG
      delegation heads.


CCSDS Area Directors and cognizant CCSDS Working Group Chairs:

A agreed during our January meeting in Colorado Springs, please find the 11
April 2007 update to the "Coding, Modulation, and Link Protocol" (CMLP) study
that is being conducted by the Systems Planning Working Group in NASA's SCaN
office. To recap, this study is attempting to "cast a wide net" to identify
all possible space modulation, coding and link protocols, from which a
down-selection will later be made to identify those that are recommended for
standardized use within in NASA's future space mission support

Note slide 6:
      Between now and the IOAG meeting in June, all links in the SCaN
      architecture will be analyzed
        Lists of appropriate codes, modulations, MA schemes, and link
      protocol attributes will be developed and reviewed
        FOM weights will be developed and reviewed
        Recommendations will be established
      It is likely not all links will be completed before the review cutoff
      date required for the IOAG meeting
      Preliminary results will be presented at the June IOAG meeting in
      Cebreros, Spain
Best regards

Adrian J. Hooke
Chairman, CCSDS Engineering Steering Group (CESG) and
CCSDS Technical Liaison to the IOAG[attachment "CMLP Status 04-11-07.ppt"
deleted by Jean-Luc Gerner/estec/ESA]
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