[CMC] TC 999 again

Adrian J. Hooke adrian.j.hooke at jpl.nasa.gov
Tue May 22 09:56:30 EDT 2007

>Date: Tue, 22 May 2007 12:30:52 +0200
>From: Abram <abram at iso.org>
>Subject: RE: ISO TC 20/SC 14: Follow up on Resolution 234 (TC 999)
>To: "'Erin Kahn'" <erink at aiaa.org>
>Cc: "Larry, Schultz (Larry, Schultz)" <Larry.Schultz-1 at ksc.nasa.gov>,
>         "Eduardo W. Bergamini" <e.w.bergamini at uol.com.br>,
>         "Adrian J. Hooke" <adrian.j.hooke at jpl.nasa.gov>
>Organization: ISO
>Dear Erin,
>If SC 14 wish to reconfirm that their wish is to have a space TC, we can 
>get this onto the TMB agenda despite TC 20's decision. However, it is my 
>recommendation that a "well documented" proposal be submitted.
>Best regards
>                                     ++++++++++++
>From: Erin Kahn [mailto:erink at aiaa.org]
>Sent: 2007-05-22 03:18
>To: Fran ç ois Abram
>Subject: ISO TC 20/SC 14: Follow up on Resolution 234 (TC 999)
>In preparation for the upcoming Plenary Meeting of TC 20/SC 14, I would 
>ask that you please provide an update on the following resolution.
>Resolution 234
>Recognizing the initiative taken jointly by SC13 and SC14, the rationale 
>and business plan prepared for a new Technical Committee (TC) for Space 
>and with reference to the position taken by TC20 following a ballot of 
>National Member Bodies:
>TC20/SC14 resolves that the Chairman of TC20/SC14 will request F. Abram, 
>ISO Geneva, to put the question of the proposed merging of SC13 and SC14 
>into a new Space TC on the agenda of the next Technical Management Board 
>meeting.  SC14 requests clear directives from the Technical Management 
>Board on how to proceed.
>Thank you,
>Erin Cliggett Kahn
>Secretary, TC20/SC14
>American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
>001-703-264-7645 (office)
>erink at aiaa.org

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