[CMC] CESG/CMC Reception and Dinner Invitation

Craig Day craigd at aiaa.org
Mon Jan 22 16:18:39 EST 2007

On behalf of AIAA I would like to take the opportunity to formally invite
you to a reception and dinner on Tuesday, 23 January for all CMC and CESG
members and their guests. The reception will formally begin at 18:00 with a
cocktail hour at the Penrose House. Dinner will be served at approximately
19:00 in the main dining room. The evening will conclude at approximately
21:00 following a presentation by Brigadier General Bradley Butler of the
U.S. Air Force. AIAA is pleased to host this reception and we look forward
to welcoming all of you to Colorado Springs for productive meetings

Best Regards,
Craig Day
Director, Programs 
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
craigd at aiaa.org
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