[CMC] Re: CCSDS Meeting registration has closed

Adrian J. Hooke adrian.j.hooke at jpl.nasa.gov
Wed Jan 10 13:55:48 EST 2007

At 04:33 AM 1/10/2007, Adrian J. Hooke wrote:
>Registration is now closed to new attendees. If this causes any hardship, 
>case-by-case additions may be made.

I have put out a call to all currently-registered attendees and so far a 
few people have canceled. Here's the procedure if you have a "hardship 
case" of a key WG member who has not yet registered and yet who must attend:

1. If you have not already done so, send an e-mail to the CCSDS Secretariat 
<secretariat at mailman.ccsds.org> (NOT TO ME) indicating the name and other 
coordinates of the WG member and the list of meetings that are requested.

2. The Secretariat will prepare a waiting list of all of these people. If 
vacancies open up I will invite people to register based on apparent 
priority (e.g., I will give an established WG member higher priority than a 

If you are a regular WG member and you have already made travel plans, then 
obviously you are going to show up. However, in this case - depending on 
how many people cancel - we *may* have to issue you with a special badge 
that may assign you lower seating priority in the meeting rooms and that 
may not include your access to the complimentary refreshments or lunches.

Apologies for the inconvenience, but everyone had early and multiple 
warnings to register in advance and if you failed to do this then you have 
only yourself to blame.

Best regards

Adrian J. Hooke
Chairman, CCSDS Engineering Steering Group (CESG)
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