[CMC] Support to new CCSDS BOFs from manned programs

Kearney, Mike W. (MSFC-EO01) Mike.Kearney at nasa.gov
Fri Aug 24 10:44:51 EDT 2007

CMC and CESG colleagues:  Among the new BOFs that will be meeting in
Heppenheim, Germany, there are two that deserve some attention to their
membership.   They are in the SIS area, the Voice BOF and the Motion
Imagery and Applications (video) BOF.   The reason that I point them out
is because these technologies are generally the domain of only manned
spaceflight.  The history of CCSDS is broad support from unmanned
programs, but only sporadic support from manned programs.   


I encourage you to forward this message to others (in manned
spaceflight) in your agencies that might normally not receive CCSDS
communications, in the hope of developing broader participation in these
two groups.   


Especially point out to your personnel in manned spaceflight that may
not be familiar with CCSDS that there can be *much* participation even
without attending meetings.  Much of the work is done between meetings
via the mail lists for the BOFs and Working Groups.  If nothing else,
technology experts in voice and video should sign up for the mail lists



And visit the Collaborative Work Environment at:


By signing up for the mail list, they can see the dialogue and draft
documents that the groups are exchanging.  And they can contribute with
minimal time and expense invested.  The only risk is that they will find
that the work is so important that they will choose to participate more
in the future.   That is a good risk, which offsets bad risks.    


Thanks for your time,


   -=- Mike


Mike Kearney




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