[CMC] Long term meeting schedule

Adrian J. Hooke adrian.j.hooke at jpl.nasa.gov
Mon Jul 24 17:08:05 EDT 2006

Dear CMC members:

Your attention is drawn to the following item from the Spring 2006 CESG report:

>The CESG noted that the Area Directors are unanimous in the opinion that 
>CCSDS should meet as an integrated organization roughly every 6-months.
>The CESG noted that co-location of  the CCSDS meetings with other events - 
>such as major conferences - often causes more problems than it solves. For 
>instance, attendance at CCSDS meetings may be limited if a large number of 
>people travel to the same location for different meetings.
>The CESG noted a strong preference for returning to an April/May and 
>October/November meeting rotation.
>The CESG feels strongly that to stabilize work planning then meeting dates 
>and locations need to be fixed for several years in advance. The CESG 
>suggests the following rotation and requests the CMC to establish a 
>suitable set of hosting agreements:
>January 2007:   USA
>Early Fall 2007:        Europe
>Spring 2008:            N. America
>Fall 2008:              Europe

In view of the increasing difficulty of finding accommodations to host 
these large meetings, it is more important than ever to establish a 
long-term schedule of meeting locations and host Agencies. If you take a 
look at the plans of other standards organizations, you will see that they 
establish provisional schedules well into the future:



Would it be possible to add this topic to the upcoming CMC meeting agenda, 
and for delegates to come prepared with any hosting offers that they may be 
prepared to make?

On the subject of hosting, I would like to take this opportunity on behalf 
of the CCSDS technical team to formally thank ASI for their excellent 
hospitality during the recent Spring 2006 meeting in Rome. It was a very 
well run event and much technical progress was made. Thank you, Loredana, 
and your dedicated staff.

Best regards

Adrian J. Hooke
Chairman, CCSDS Engineering Steering Group (CESG)
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