[CMC] Nomination of CSS Area Director (Action CMC A2006-09-16)

Adrian J. Hooke adrian.j.hooke at jpl.nasa.gov
Thu Dec 14 15:40:02 EST 2006

In response to Action Item CMC 2009-09-16, NASA proposes to nominate Mr. 
Erik Barkley to replace the M. Gerard Lapaian as Area Director for Cross 
Support Services. As you know, Gerard is retiring prior to the January 
meeting and CNES has indicated intent to relinquish the chairmanship of the 
Area. We sincerely thank Gerard for his many years of dedicated and 
excellent service to CCSDS.

Erik Barkley is, of course, well known to you as the current chairman of 
the Service Management Working Group, so this would be an additional duty 
for him.

Since it is very important that the CMC should confirm the appointment of a 
new CSS Area Director prior to the start of the technical meetings (15 
January), I have asked the Secretariat to set up an urgent CMC poll to vote 
on that confirmation. If there are any disagreements with NASA's 
nomination, or if there are any counter-nominations from other Agencies, 
they can be handled as responses to the poll. Otherwise the poll will close 
on 05 January and we should therefore be able to proceed to Colorado 
Springs with a new Area Director in place.

Best regards

Adrian J. Hooke
Manager, NASA Space Data Standards Program
NASA Space Operations Mission Directorate
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