[CMC] SpaceOps Registration Now Open

Walz Penelope (BTAS) penelope.walz at btas.com
Wed Apr 5 13:59:41 EDT 2006

Dear CCSDS Community:


As a courtesy, we are sending you the message below regarding SpaceOps 2006.  Registration is now open for this important event.


Please don’t forget that you may also now register for the CCSDS spring meetings at http://public.ccsds.org/meetings/2006Spring/2006Spring.aspx <http://public.ccsds.org/meetings/2006Spring/2006Spring.aspx>  .


Thank you.


Best regards,

Penelope W. Walz

The Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS)

CCSDS Secretariat – Public Affairs

Mobile - +1 571 235 1625 (best contact / voicemail)

E-mail -   penelope.walz at btas.com <mailto:penelope.walz at btas.com> 

Explore CCSDS at http://www.ccsds.org 




April 2006


Important SpaceOps 2006 Registration Announcement


Plan to participate in the forum for space operators!

19–23 June 2006
Rome, Italy

Registration for the SpaceOps 2006 Conference is now open, and available on the web! To register for this conference, please go to www.spaceops2006.org <http://www.spaceops2006.org/>  and select “Register” from the links on the right side of the screen.

The Preliminary Program is also now available. Go to www.spaceops2006.org <http://www.spaceops2006.org/>  and select “Agenda” from the links on the right side of the screen. Please note: the program is subject to change; check the website for updates.


Registering in advance can save conference attendees up to $120. A check made payable to AIAA or credit card information must be included with your registration form. Advance registration forms must be received by 19-May-2006. Preregistrants may pick up their materials at the advance registration desk.

Registration fees are as follows:

1.       Conference Delegate - Includes access to all sessions and exhibits, Monday opening events, Wednesday Gala Dinner, coffee breaks, and daily lunches (Tuesday-Thursday).

Before 19-May-2006

After 19-May-2006









2.       Student - Includes access to all sessions and exhibits, Monday opening events, and coffee breaks.

Before 19-May-2006

After 19-May-2006









3.       Accompanying Persons

Before 19-May-2006

After 19-May-2006









4.       Extra Tickets


Before 19-May-2006

After 19-May-2006


Monday Opening Events







Wednesday Gala Dinner







SpaceOps 2006 is sponsored by
Finmeccanica Logo <http://www.finmeccanica.it/finmeccanica/default.htm> 

hosted by
ASI Logo <http://www.asi.it/> 

and organized by
AIAA Logo <http://www.aiaa.org/> 

[more info] <http://writemail.aiaa.org/links/index.cfm?contentid=1066&broadcastid=605> 


Visit the SpaceOps Web Site <http://www.spaceoperations.org> 

To unsubscribe from future issues of this SpaceOps Update, click here: Unsubscribe <http://www.aiaa.org/newsletter/unsubscribe/index.hfm?broadcastid=605> . 


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