[CMC] OMG Architecture Board agenda for Athens

Adrian J. Hooke adrian.j.hooke at jpl.nasa.gov
Fri Mar 25 16:05:42 EST 2005

CMC and CESG members who are interested in observing the way in which the 
OMG operates are advised of the schedule (below) for the OMG Architecture 
Board meeting in Athens.

Note that they will be discussing whether or not to issue a new Request For 
Proposal (RFP) from their Space Domain Task Force entitled "Operations 
Procedure Model", which seems to quite clearly overlap with our MOIMS work. 
Perhaps Nestor Peccia and Roger Thompson could comment?

Best regards
Adrian Hooke

>Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2005 16:58:59 +0000
>From: Andrew Watson <andrew at omg.org>
>Subject: First draft OMG Architecture Board agenda for Athens
>To: tc at omg.org
>Cc: Fred Waskiewicz <wask at omg.org>, Juergen Boldt <juergen at omg.org>
>Good Afternoon,
>The next OMG Architecture Board meeting will take place during the OMG 
>technical meeting week, 11th - 15th April, at the Athens Ledra Marriott 
>Hotel, Athens, Greece. The meeting will be in three parts:
>   Monday   11th April 2005     1300 - 1800
>   Thursday 14th April 2005     1300 - 1800
>   Friday   15th April 2005     0830 or later    (AB subgroup reports)
>Please find attached the first draft agenda. If you have any amendments, 
>please contact me as soon as possible.
>There are no specific timings on the agenda items. In general:
>   * The draft RFPs will be reviewed twice - once on Monday afternoon, once
>     on Thursday afternoon, on the assumption that the relevant Task Force
>     meeting will take place in between, and that it recommends issuance.
>   * Submissions on this agenda that have not yet been recommended for
>     adoption by the appropriate Task Forces will only be reviewed in the AB
>     meeting if so recommended, which probably means Thursday afternoon.
>   * RTF deliverables and other agenda items will be considered on either
>     Monday or Thursday afternoon, whichever is convenient for their authors.
>   * Subgroup reports will be made immediately before the PTC and DTC
>     plenaries on Friday morning.
>                                  Agenda
>                                  ------
>Business Semantics of Business Rules                  bei/05-03-01,2
>Streams for CORBA Components submission               mars/05-03-06
>High Performance Enablers submission                  realtime/05-03-05
>UML Extension Profile for SoC RFC                     realtime/05-03-04
>UML Profile for CORBA Component Model RFP             mars/05-03-01
>Executable UML RFP                                    ad/05-03-01
>Operations Procedure Model RFP                        space/05-03-01
>RTF/FTF reports
>RAS FTF report                                        ptc/05-03-01,02
>MOF2.0-IDL FTF Report                                 ptc/05-03-03..07
>SW Radio FTF report                                   dtc/05-03-01..06
>PLM FTF final report                                  dtc/05-03-07..09
>Data Distribution RTF final report                    ptc/05-03-08..13
>                             Regards,
>                                  Andrew
>  Andrew Watson                              Tel:     +44 1223 510398
>  Vice President & Technical Director,       Email:   andrew at omg.org
>  Object Management Group                    http://www.omg.org/~andrew
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