[CMC] FW: ACTION REQUIRED - CCSDS 660.0-R-1 Formal Review due 31 Mar 2005

Gary Forrester gary.forrester at direcway.com
Tue Feb 22 13:36:48 EST 2005

Please excuse redundant messages.  I am sending this notice for Formal
Review to alternate addresses for CESG and the CMC as the addresses I used
may not have been complete.  Please excuse the delay in the notice if you
did not receive this on 15 February.  
Gary Forrester
CCSDS Secretariat Support
gary.forrester at btas.com


From: Gary Forrester [mailto:Gary.Forrester at btas.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2005 2:17 PM
To: 'cmc-exec at mailman.ccsds.org'; 'cesg-exec at mailman.ccsds.org';
'liaisons at mailman.ccsds.org'
Subject: ACTION REQUIRED - CCSDS 660.0-R-1 Formal Review due 31 Mar 2005

Date:         15 February 2005
From:        CCSDS Rapporteur
Subject:    Announcement of Review Opportunity

The following draft CCSDS Recommended Standard has been placed on-line and
is available for formal review:


CCSDS 660.0-R-1.  XML Telemetric and Command Exchange (XTCE).  Red Book


Document Description:  This document contains the CCSDS specification for
XML Telemetric and Command Exchange (XTCE). As part of a cooperative
agreement with the Object Management Group (OMG), CCSDS proposes to adopt by
reference the OMG standard: 

XML Telemetric and Command Exchange (XTCE) 

Reference number: dtc/2005-01-04 

Version: 1.0 

Date: 20 Jan 2005 

An electronic version of the XTCE normative specification (an XML schema),
under file name SpaceSystemV1.0.xsd, is downloadable as a part of this
specification.  The CCSDS 660.0-G-1, XML Telemetric and Command Exchange
(XTCE) Supporting Material (Green Book) and associated support files are
made available for the convenience of the reviewer.  


The due date for submission of comments to the CCSDS Secretariat is
2005-03-31.  Review coordinators should plan internal Agency or
organizational reviews accordingly.  More information is available at the
Web site identified below.


The review document in Portable Document Format (.pdf), and associated
review materials may be accessed at the following location:





Gary Forrester
BTAS, Inc.
CCSDS Secretariat Support - NASA
Phone: (931) 425-6475
Fax: (931) 425-6476
Email:  <mailto:gary.forrester at btas.com> gary.forrester at btas.com
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