Adrian J. Hooke adrian.j.hooke at jpl.nasa.gov
Thu Jun 24 12:10:55 EDT 2004

Jean-Marc: as noted below, two resolutions were transmitted to the 
Secretariat from the CESG on 14 June, each with a request:"Please transmit 
this CESG Resolution to the CMC Chairman along with a request to take the 
indicated action. Please notify the CESG when the CMC responds and indicate 
their precise instructions and Agency resource commitments."

Perhaps the Secretariat could comment on their status? I do not recall 
seeing a request for CMC action on *any* of the four Resolutions that were 
transmitted on that day:

10:37 AM 6/14/2004      [CESG] [CESG RESOLUTION] CESG-03-019: UPDATED 
10:37 AM 6/14/2004      [CESG] [CESG RESOLUTION] CESG-03-020: XTCE-OMG PROPOSAL
11:10 AM 6/14/2004      [CESG] [CESG RESOLUTION] CESG-03-017: CISLUNAR 
11:11 AM 6/14/2004      [CESG] [CESG RESOLUTION] CESG-03-018: EAST PINK SHEETS

At 07:56 AM 6/24/2004, Soula Jean-Marc wrote:
>- XTCE finalization (item 2.5 MOIMS) : as this item was not part of the 
>previous list, could you please clarify if this is a WG or a BOF ?
CESG RESOLUTION, Tracking Number: CESG-03-020           14 JUNE 2004
"The CESG recommends to the CMC that the review of the "XML Telemetric and 
Command Data Exchange Format (XTCE)" proposal should be conducted as a 
joint activity between CCSDS and the OMG in accordance with the attached 
proposal, with a joint CCSDS-OMG team appointed to conduct the review and 
the requested resources of 2-3 workmonths made available by the CMC to 
support this activity."

>- Cislunar : this BOF was turned into a WG and this seems consistent with 
>CESG action A15 ; Was the CMC asked to approve this new WG or should we 
>assume that the addition of a new WG in the resource matrix is the way to 
>obtain this approval ?
CESG RESOLUTION, Tracking Number: CESG-03-017           14 JUNE 2004
"The CESG recommends to the CMC that a new "Cislunar Space Internetworking 
Working Group" should  be chartered according to the attached v1.0 charter 
submitted by the SIS Area Director, and asks the CMC to approve this 
recommendation and to allocate resources to the new activity."

>In addition to those questions, one comment on the BOFs which (some of 
>them) are still on the list while I was under the impression that the CMC 
>had agreed that only WG's were to be listed.

I left the BOFs on the list because some Agencies had in fact allocated 
resources to BOF activities. I personally think that it gives the "whole 
picture" if we track both WGs *and* BOFs, but if the CMC would like to 
direct that BOF resources are hidden then I can remove them.

Best regards

Adrian J. Hooke
Chairman, CCSDS Engineering Steering Group (CESG)
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
Interplanetary Network Directorate
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Pasadena, California 91109-8099, USA
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