[CMC] CCSDS Secretariat Response to CMC-S04-A4

debbie.ronning debbie.ronning at btas.com
Tue Jul 20 09:55:29 EDT 2004


Date:    20 July 2004


To:       CCSDS Community

From:   CCSDS Secretariat (secretariat at ccsds.org)


Current CMC Action Item


This message notifies you of the following action taken related to:



Establish an e-mail process that enables users to differentiate between
"action required" messages and those that are only informational in nature.
This process will be documented in the CCSDS Procedures Manual, CCSDS

CCSDS Secretariat

15 July 2004


The CCSDS Secretariat has determined that in the future, Mailman System
messages requiring the recipient(s) to take some form of action will have
the phrase "Action Required" incorporated into the message's Subject line.
These messages will originate from the secretariat at ccsds.org email address.


A statement to this affect will be added to the CCSDS Procedures Manual,
CCSDS A00.0-Y-9.


Please address any questions regarding this action to:
secretariat at ccsds.org




Andrew Dowen for Dr. John Kelley, CMC Chairman



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