[CMC] RP A4-02 Announcement of Review Opportunity
CCSDS Rapporteur
Wed, 28 Jan 2004 16:36:53 -0500
Control Number: RP A4-02
The following draft CCSDS Recommendation has been placed on line for CCSDS
Agency review:
CCSDS 211.0-P-2.1. Proximity-1 Space Link Protocol--Data Link Layer.
Pink Book.
DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION: This draft update to the Proximity-1 Space Link
Protocol--Data Link Layer Recommendation changes transmitter and receiver
frequency assignments to match the new frequency assignments from 0 through
7 instead of 1 through 8; defines transmitter modes to be backward
compatible with the ODY and MEX missions, and forward compatible with
future missions; and updates the frequency tables in the SET PL EXTENSIONS
directive to match the proposed channel assignments from 0 to 15 instead of
1 through 16.
The due date for receipt of Agency review comments by the Review
Coordinator is 2004-4-12. More information is available at the Web sites
identified below.
The review document, in Portable Document Format (PDF), and associated
review materials are available for downloading at the following locations:
primary site: http://www.ccsds.org/review/rpa402/
alternate site: http://ccsds.gst.com/review/rpa402/
REMINDER: Agency Heads of Delegation are to make their own arrangements
for review participation by their Agency-sponsored Associates.