[CMC] FWD: On the new CCSDS structure: INPE participation

Linda Kezer linda.kezer@nasa.gov
Wed, 30 Apr 2003 17:07:17 -0400

>Dear Andrew :
>To some extent, rephrasing and detailing the report INPE gave to the CCSDS
>Management Council meeting held in Matera, I would like to express, on behalf
>of INPE, that -new- indications of INPE for participating in the new structure
>of CCSDS is not possible, at the moment. There is, simply, no time enough for
>us to make a consequent indication in this direction to CCSDS, in view of the
>determination expressed recently, by our Directorship in giving an expanded
>approach to the participation of INPE in the CCSDS initiative.That is, I wish
>to express the following position :
>1. INPE, so far, technical participants to the just discontinued CCSDS Panels
>and Sub-Panels, whenever the case, will be, in principle, re-introduced to the
>new, equivalent CCSDS WGs or BOFs, through the CMC, in a near future, after we
>can consult each of them, in particular, in view of the whole new CCSDS
>premises for such a participation; There was simply no time yet for us, to do
>such a work, in a consequent, planned fashion;We will be informing you,
>opportunely, on this specific aspect; 
>2) New participants from INPE will be possibly proposed for commitment to the
>CCSDS technical effort, after our Directorship and collaborators may be
>presented to a stable structure of the new CCSDS organization, so they can
>decide on new commitments of this nature, at least, in respect to INPE
>internal resources;
>3) Personally, I would like to express my determination to keep my technical
>commitment toward my continuing participation/insertion with the new Systems
>Architecture WG and, when applicable, with the Standard Application Service
>BOF, as a result of my, so far continued technical commitment with the now
>'old' CCSDS Architecture Working Group.
>I would appreciate receiving your confirmation to this message. Thank you for
>your attention and consideration. 
>With my best regards,
>Eduardo (W. Bergamini)
>INPE Principal Delegate to CCSDS