[CESG] Request for Candidates for three AD positions (time critical)

Asmar, Sami W (US 9100) sami.w.asmar at jpl.nasa.gov
Thu Sep 26 17:41:17 UTC 2024

Dear CMC,

As you know:

1. Daniel Fischer will vacate his AD role to become the CESG chair in November
2. Peter Shames announced his plan to retire from his AD role this Fall/Winter
3. Jonathan Wilmot announced his plan to retire from his AD role this Fall

These are 50% of our steering group!!   We were also already told of another pending AD retirement next Spring.   Peter and Jonathan have WG chair roles as well but filling those roles is handled separately for now and we prefer to address the AD vacancy first in Peter’s case.

At our last mid-year telecon, we agreed to accelerate the nomination and selection process as much as possible to have the new ADs either announced at the November meeting or at least be in the final stage.  Peter and Jonathan can stay longer after the selection and be considered Emeritus AD to ease the transition.

I am requesting nominations for these three roles ASAP.   I am sending this one email instead of 3 separate emails.  However, when you reply, you are free to send your agency nominations in one, two, or three emails, depending on how many candidates you have.

Thank you.

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