[CESG] Results of CESG Poll closing 10 October 2024

Barkley, Erik J (US 3970) erik.j.barkley at jpl.nasa.gov
Mon Oct 14 20:05:32 UTC 2024

Dear Daniel, Peter,  Jonathan,

Attached, please find a word document with changes tracked for update to the charter.  May I ask that you please take a look at the proposed resolutions to the conditions as indicated by the italicized text below and check the updated body of the charter (attached file)?  Your timely attention will be much appreciated as, assuming you are okay, I will update the charter text, in the CWE framework, per the updated word document so as to be able to proceed to a CMC poll which hopefully can conclude by the time of the fall meetings. It would be great if we could have the working group up and functioning as such by the time of the fall meetings.

Best regards,

From: CESG-All <cesg-all-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org> On Behalf Of Stafford, Laura L via CESG-All
Sent: Friday, October 11, 2024 17:39
To: CESG-all at mailman.ccsds.org
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [Cesg-all] Results of CESG Poll closing 10 October 2024

CESG E-Poll Identifier:  CESG-P-2024-09-005 New Working Group Approval ­| CSS—Cloud Data Delivery Standards Working Group

Results of CESG poll beginning 26 September 2024 and ending 10 October 2024:
Abstain:  0 (0%)
Approve Unconditionally:  2 (50%) (Barkley, Wilmont)
Approve with Conditions:  2 (50%) (Fischer, Shames)
Disapprove with Comment:  0 (0%)


Daniel Fischer (Approve with Conditions):
In order to avoid overlaps with existing working groups the Charter shall be updated in the following way:
1.      A clear statement shall be added that the scope of the proposed standards will be at Frame level. Data Format and Services for exchange of TM and TC at lower level (parameter/channel level) are already covered by CCSDS specifications of SM&C WG.
EB> Daniel, please note that the very first sentence in the scope of activity states “…for delivery of telemetry frames…”.  Nonetheless, to be sure that everyone is clear on the scope I have added an “anti-scope” statement to the Scope of Activity which reads “It should be noted that the scope of activity regarding telemetry is strictly at the level of providing delivery of telemetry frames; extraction of telemetry packets and any subsequent processing is out of scope for this activity.”

2.      The text of the charter is updated accordingly (e.g. streaming of telemetry --> telemetry frames) in all places to remove ambiguity
EB> The phrase “streaming of telemetry” does not occur in the charter, nor does “telemetry streaming”.  The charter is scoped to address streaming and file data delivery  for the data types identified, which does include, in the first statement, the phrase “telemetry frames”.    I think the addition of the scope restriction statement above clearly limits telemetry processing to just delivery of telemetry frames.   As such I have difficulty finding “all places to remove ambiguity” – I think it is now sufficiently addressed.

Peter Shames (Approve with Conditions):
There are a number of typos in the charter, but the intent seems clear.  I interpret it as providing web based means to distribute all of different kinds of data that are currently available from SLE/CSTS services.  This includes telemetry & command data in frames, files, and stream data of different kinds, including radiometric, monitor data and control data. These are specifically services offered by ground stations (GS/ESLT). In my opinion those same services should all be offered by the new cloud service interfaces and there should not be a requirement to split off services to some new, separate, interfaces/service framework like SM&C. Leave the SLE/CSTS services from ESLT to the domain of cross support and keep the SM&C for the domain of mission specific services.
EB>  Peter, yes spelling has been corrected to “relevant” as Jonathan has noted.  The spell checker on this end fails to find other typos.  Please provide a list of typos for the attached if necessary.  Yes, your interpretation is correct re the scoping.  And, as you may see from the revised scoping statement, we have no intention (or even desire) to “intrude” on SM&C packet extraction or other mission domain standardization.  So we are happy to be in line with “Leave the SLE/CSTS services from ESLT to the domain of cross support and keep the SM&C for the domain of mission specific services”.

Johnathan Wilmont (Approve Unconditionaly):
Spelling issue in charter "Standardization of relativaley" I assume "relevant" was the term.
EB> Thank you Jonathan, indeed it should be “relevant” and this is corrected in the updated text for the charter.

Total Respondents:  4

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PROPOSED SECRETARIAT ACTION: Generate CMC poll after conditions have been addressed


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