[CESG] SEA Proposal for new liaison organization relationship

Tomaso.deCola at dlr.de Tomaso.deCola at dlr.de
Wed May 1 15:00:05 UTC 2024

Hi Peter,

I fully support this. In my group at DLR we are monitoring (more or less passively) what's happening there especially for the Link SubWG. Not quite clear to me whether they are addressing networking implications of security, but worth liaising with them in my opinion.


Von: CESG <cesg-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org> Im Auftrag von Shames, Peter M (US 312B) via CESG
Gesendet: Sonntag, 28. April 2024 21:17
An: Klaus-Juergen Schulz (Klaus-Juergen.Schulz at esa.int) <Klaus-Juergen.Schulz at esa.int>; CESG <cesg at mailman.ccsds.org>; CCSDS Secretariat (secretariat at mailman.ccsds.org) <secretariat at mailman.ccsds.org>
Betreff: [CESG] SEA Proposal for new liaison organization relationship

Dear Klaus-Juergen, et al,

Attached please find another SEA item for CESG discussion.  I could submit this through the usual Resolution channels, but thought it might be easier to just pass it through the CESG during next week's meeting.


  1.  SEA discussion slides including the resolution SEA-R-2024-4-003
  2.  Backup materials from the IEEE Space Systems Cybersecurity WG

Thanks, Peter

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