[CESG] Moving forward with Lunar Interoperability Forum
Asmar, Sami W (US 9100)
sami.w.asmar at jpl.nasa.gov
Fri Mar 1 18:39:43 UTC 2024
Hi Jim,
Sorry you feel that way. There were some errors in the first draft that we are fixing as already pointed out so that all the elements IOAG cares about are covered.
IOAG will lead a panel discussion, etc.
Interoperability is in the title.
At this point, I would like to ask Klaus-Juergen, who happens to be an ESA rep to both CCSDS and IOAG to also add his point of view.
Also, Jim, we are happy to include additional ideas from you and IOAG.
From: Schier, James (HQ-CG000) <james.schier-1 at nasa.gov>
Date: Thursday, February 29, 2024 at 2:24 PM
To: Shames, Peter M (US 312B) <peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov>, Klaus-Juergen Schulz <Klaus-Juergen.Schulz at esa.int>, Asmar, Sami W (US 9100) <sami.w.asmar at jpl.nasa.gov>, 村田 眞哉 <murata.masaya at jaxa.jp>
Cc: Peura, Angela D. (HQ-CG000)[Agile Decision Sciences] <angela.d.peura at nasa.gov>, Massaquoi Amber <AMassaquoi at asrcfederal.com>, CESG <cesg at mailman.ccsds.org>
Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] RE: Moving forward with Lunar Interoperability Forum
Sami: This is really a CCSDS-centric forum. What do you expect IOAG to contribute?
From: Shames, Peter M (US 312B) <peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov>
Sent: Thursday, February 29, 2024 4:37 PM
To: Klaus-Juergen Schulz <Klaus-Juergen.Schulz at esa.int>; Asmar, Sami W (JPL-9100)[JPL Employee] <sami.w.asmar at jpl.nasa.gov>; 村田 眞哉 <murata.masaya at jaxa.jp>; Schier, James (HQ-CG000) <james.schier-1 at nasa.gov>
Cc: Peura, Angela D. (HQ-CG000)[Agile Decision Sciences] <angela.d.peura at nasa.gov>; Massaquoi Amber <AMassaquoi at asrcfederal.com>; CESG <cesg at mailman.ccsds.org>
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] RE: Moving forward with Lunar Interoperability Forum
Importance: High
Please use announcement v1a (attached). Angela pointed out (thank you) that I had written “pointing” instead of “positioning” as the “P” in PNT.
Teach me to rush.
Sorry, Peter
From: Peter Shames <peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov<mailto:peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov>>
Date: Thursday, February 29, 2024 at 1:14 PM
To: Klaus-Juergen Schulz <Klaus-Juergen.Schulz at esa.int<mailto:Klaus-Juergen.Schulz at esa.int>>, Sami Asmar <sami.w.asmar at jpl.nasa.gov<mailto:sami.w.asmar at jpl.nasa.gov>>, 村田 眞哉 <murata.masaya at jaxa.jp<mailto:murata.masaya at jaxa.jp>>, Jim Schier <james.schier-1 at nasa.gov<mailto:james.schier-1 at nasa.gov>>
Cc: "Peura, Angela D. (HQ-CG000)[Agile Decision Sciences]" <angela.d.peura at nasa.gov<mailto:angela.d.peura at nasa.gov>>, Amber Massaquoi <AMassaquoi at asrcfederal.com<mailto:AMassaquoi at asrcfederal.com>>, CESG <cesg at mailman.ccsds.org<mailto:cesg at mailman.ccsds.org>>
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] RE: Moving forward with Lunar Interoperability Forum
Attached are the two revised files for the Lunar Interoperability Forum that include PNT as well as comm, and otherwise clean up wording.
Best regards, Peter
From: Klaus-Juergen Schulz <Klaus-Juergen.Schulz at esa.int<mailto:Klaus-Juergen.Schulz at esa.int>>
Date: Thursday, February 29, 2024 at 1:54 AM
To: Sami Asmar <sami.w.asmar at jpl.nasa.gov<mailto:sami.w.asmar at jpl.nasa.gov>>, 村田 眞哉 <murata.masaya at jaxa.jp<mailto:murata.masaya at jaxa.jp>>, Jim Schier <james.schier-1 at nasa.gov<mailto:james.schier-1 at nasa.gov>>, Peter Shames <peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov<mailto:peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov>>
Cc: "Peura, Angela D. (HQ-CG000)[Agile Decision Sciences]" <angela.d.peura at nasa.gov<mailto:angela.d.peura at nasa.gov>>, Amber Massaquoi <AMassaquoi at asrcfederal.com<mailto:AMassaquoi at asrcfederal.com>>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] RE: Moving forward with Lunar Interoperability Forum
Dear Sami,
Yes, please add “Position, Navigation, Timing (PNT)” spelled out in the announcement. It was an oversight on the CESG side on Tuesday.
Best Regards,
From: Asmar, Sami W (US 9100) <sami.w.asmar at jpl.nasa.gov<mailto:sami.w.asmar at jpl.nasa.gov>>
Sent: Thursday, February 29, 2024 1:05 AM
To: 村田 眞哉 <murata.masaya at jaxa.jp<mailto:murata.masaya at jaxa.jp>>; Schier, James (HQ-CG000) <james.schier-1 at nasa.gov<mailto:james.schier-1 at nasa.gov>>; Shames, Peter M (US 312B) <peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov<mailto:peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov>>
Cc: Peura, Angela D. (HQ-CG000)[Agile Decision Sciences] <angela.d.peura at nasa.gov<mailto:angela.d.peura at nasa.gov>>; Massaquoi Amber <AMassaquoi at asrcfederal.com<mailto:AMassaquoi at asrcfederal.com>>; Klaus-Juergen Schulz <Klaus-Juergen.Schulz at esa.int<mailto:Klaus-Juergen.Schulz at esa.int>>
Subject: Re: Moving forward with Lunar Interoperability Forum
Peter/Klaus-Juergen: Did the CESG intend for this to be limited to Communications?
I agree we should add the other keywords.
From: murata.masaya at jaxa.jp<mailto:murata.masaya at jaxa.jp> <murata.masaya at jaxa.jp<mailto:murata.masaya at jaxa.jp>>
Date: Wednesday, February 28, 2024 at 4:03 PM
To: Asmar, Sami W (US 9100) <sami.w.asmar at jpl.nasa.gov<mailto:sami.w.asmar at jpl.nasa.gov>>, Schier, James (HQ-CG000) <james.schier-1 at nasa.gov<mailto:james.schier-1 at nasa.gov>>, Shames, Peter M (US 312B) <peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov<mailto:peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov>>
Cc: Peura, Angela D. (HQ-CG000)[Agile Decision Sciences] <angela.d.peura at nasa.gov<mailto:angela.d.peura at nasa.gov>>, Massaquoi Amber <AMassaquoi at asrcfederal.com<mailto:AMassaquoi at asrcfederal.com>>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] RE: Moving forward with Lunar Interoperability Forum
Hi Sami.
Because the following theme just touches lunar “communications”, I was wondering about lunar “navigation”. It might be better to add keywords “navigation” or “PNT” in the theme so that people from navigation community would be also participating without a problem.
* Theme: Bringing together members of the Lunar communications “community” to discuss drivers, opportunities, and means to foster development and deployment of interoperable (and secure) communications systems
Best regards,
Masaya Murata
Japan Aerospace eXploration Agency
Phone: 050-3362-3985
Email: murata.masaya at jaxa.jp<mailto:murata.masaya at jaxa.jp>
From: Asmar, Sami W (US 9100) <sami.w.asmar at jpl.nasa.gov<mailto:sami.w.asmar at jpl.nasa.gov>>
Sent: Thursday, February 29, 2024 9:00 AM
To: 村田 眞哉 <murata.masaya at jaxa.jp<mailto:murata.masaya at jaxa.jp>>; Schier, James (HQ-CG000) <james.schier-1 at nasa.gov<mailto:james.schier-1 at nasa.gov>>; Shames, Peter M (US 312B) <peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov<mailto:peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov>>
Cc: Peura, Angela D. (HQ-CG000)[Agile Decision Sciences] <angela.d.peura at nasa.gov<mailto:angela.d.peura at nasa.gov>>; Massaquoi Amber <AMassaquoi at asrcfederal.com<mailto:AMassaquoi at asrcfederal.com>>
Subject: Re: Moving forward with Lunar Interoperability Forum
I think is should within scope. Navigation tools and techniques must be interoperable.
From: murata.masaya at jaxa.jp<mailto:murata.masaya at jaxa.jp> <murata.masaya at jaxa.jp<mailto:murata.masaya at jaxa.jp>>
Date: Wednesday, February 28, 2024 at 3:57 PM
To: Asmar, Sami W (US 9100) <sami.w.asmar at jpl.nasa.gov<mailto:sami.w.asmar at jpl.nasa.gov>>, Schier, James (HQ-CG000) <james.schier-1 at nasa.gov<mailto:james.schier-1 at nasa.gov>>, Shames, Peter M (US 312B) <peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov<mailto:peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov>>
Cc: Peura, Angela D. (HQ-CG000)[Agile Decision Sciences] <angela.d.peura at nasa.gov<mailto:angela.d.peura at nasa.gov>>, Massaquoi Amber <AMassaquoi at asrcfederal.com<mailto:AMassaquoi at asrcfederal.com>>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] RE: Moving forward with Lunar Interoperability Forum
Hi Sami,
Thank you very much for the wonderful news.
Regarding the theme, lunar “navigation” or “PNT” is not within the scope of this forum?
Best regards,
Masaya Murata
Japan Aerospace eXploration Agency
Phone: 050-3362-3985
Email: murata.masaya at jaxa.jp<mailto:murata.masaya at jaxa.jp>
From: Asmar, Sami W (US 9100) <sami.w.asmar at jpl.nasa.gov<mailto:sami.w.asmar at jpl.nasa.gov>>
Sent: Thursday, February 29, 2024 8:28 AM
To: Schier, James (HQ-CG000) <james.schier-1 at nasa.gov<mailto:james.schier-1 at nasa.gov>>; 村田 眞哉 <murata.masaya at jaxa.jp<mailto:murata.masaya at jaxa.jp>>; Shames, Peter M (US 312B) <peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov<mailto:peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov>>
Cc: Peura, Angela D. (HQ-CG000)[Agile Decision Sciences] <angela.d.peura at nasa.gov<mailto:angela.d.peura at nasa.gov>>; Massaquoi Amber <AMassaquoi at asrcfederal.com<mailto:AMassaquoi at asrcfederal.com>>
Subject: Moving forward with Lunar Interoperability Forum
Hi Jim and Masaya,
I wanted to let you know that the Forum will take place. We are changing it a little bit to separate from the procurement/tender process by NASA and ESA and make more a community forum for exchange of relevant information.
* Workshop title: “Lunar Interoperability Forum”
* Date: 7 May 24 in Washington, DC
* Place: US Dept of Commerce (NOTE: may need to work access issues)
* Sponsors: CCSDS & IOAG
* Chair: Sami Asmar
* Theme: Bringing together members of the Lunar communications “community” to discuss drivers, opportunities, and means to foster development and deployment of interoperable (and secure) communications systems
* CCSDS objective: Encourage community members to participate in CCSDS Standards activities, there are no other data standards orgs aside from the IETF DTN
I know JAXA will have a presentation for us. We are now preparing the agenda and getting ready to send the announcement but wanted you to know first.
Jim will also be one of our speakers, of course.
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