Shames, Peter M (US 312B) (Support)
secretariat at mailman.ccsds.org
Mon Aug 5 17:26:29 UTC 2024
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Shames, Peter M (US 312B), Aug 5, 2024, 1:26 PM EDT
Hi Jim,
I’m replying back to you directly, not via the whole CESG mailing list. The adoption of this Orange Book path, and the intended nature of the contents are what needs to be discussed.
As Howie noted, the intended format and contents of this book was a Magenta Book, which in CCSDS is a Recommended Practice. As such this kind of document is intended to describe and architecture, or a recommended practice. It is not intended to be “directly implementable” in the way that a Blue Book is. Blue Books typically describe protocols or data exchange formats or services in a way that can be directly implemented to provide interoperability at a single layer (in ISO BRM terms) in a protocol stack. A CCSDS link layer like the Unified Space Link Protocol (USLP), or a data exchange like the Navigation Data Message (NDM), are examples of Blue Books. There are other categories of Blue Books called Utilization or Adaptation Profile, that describe in detail how to “stack up” one or more Blue Book standards. IP over CCSDS, CCSDS 702.1-B-1, is an example of such a “stack” Blue Book. More than one normative standard, stacked up to do a specific, directly implementable, job.
Magenta Books are recommended practices. They may be a normative reference architecture like RASDS, CCSDS 311.0-M-1, or a normative end-to-end recommended practice like the Cross Support Reference Architecture Description, CCSDS 901.1-M-1. These are normative, and describe how systems should be described, or deployed, and they are not merely descriptive the way that Green Books usually are. The draft IGCA that was created is of this nature, it is a reference architecture and does not have the detailed information that would make it be a Blue Book.
So think of this draft IGCA document as a recommended practice Magenta Book and not a specification that is directly implementable in the way that a Blue Book would be.
And then there is this Orange Book business. An Orange Book is an experimental track method that CCSDS offers in order to allow proposed standards that are somewhat experimental in nature, and possibly only supported by one Agency, to be published on a “fast track”. An Orange Book may be formatted like, and have similar contents, to either a Blue Book or a Magenta Book. The difference is that an Orange Book can be proposed by a single agency, need not have two separate interoperable prototypes (as required of a Blue Book), and it only requires CESG and CMC approval, but not Agency Review. This is what makes it a faster process.
In the case of the IGCA, which has Magenta Book class content, we are choosing to publish it as an Orange Book in order to get it out and visible where further evaluation can be made and where prototyping, using different standards for the data formats and data exchange interfaces may be tried out. This will allow evaluation of this federated approach to identity to be evaluated in a terrestrial context and also to explore what might work in space.
Once we define what works, and get multiple agencies to coalesce around a single solution, we can publish a final version as a Magenta (or even Blue) Book.
I hope this helps.
Regards, Peter
Howard.Weiss at parsons.us, Aug 5, 2024, 1:05 PM EDT
Magenta and Blue are both only requirements documents. By definition, they do not include any process/procedure language. That is reserved for an accompanying Green (rationale/guidance) document.
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Schier, James (HQ-CG000), Aug 5, 2024, 12:09 PM EDT
Thanks for the clarification, Howie. The draft that I have (2/16/24 V2) still uses the term “Recommended Practice” but the list of requirements with verification & absence of defined process/procedure doesn’t sound like Magenta or Blue. Is this just incomplete?
**From:** Howard.Weiss at parsons.us <Howard.Weiss at parsons.us>
**Sent:** Monday, August 5, 2024 8:08 AM
**To:** Schier, James (HQ-CG000) <james.schier-1 at nasa.gov>; Sheehe, Charles J. (GRC-LCN0) <charles.j.sheehe at nasa.gov>; Shames, Peter M (JPL-312B)[JPL Employee] <peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov>; CCSDS Secretariat <secretariat at mailman.ccsds.org>
**Subject:** Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: CCSDS_IGCA_Orange_Book
**CAUTION:**This email originated from outside of NASA. Please take care when clicking links or opening attachments. Use the "Report Message" button to report suspicious messages to the NASA SOC.
We originally envisioned this as a Magenta Book - and hence the approved CCSDS project was for a Magenta Book. We had been moving in that direction, but with little momentum from the other Agencies, we decided to change horses and go with a an Orange Book that we could published relatively quickly. Chuck added more informative material into the non-normative section that would have required a separate Green Book.
Since the OB is written in the same format as a Magenta Book - which is written in the same format as a Blue Book, the movement from Orange to either Magenta or Blue is not a heavy lift other than the need for interoperable implementations that are needed to go Blue.
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Howard.Weiss at parsons.us, Aug 5, 2024, 8:22 AM EDT
We originally envisioned this as a Magenta Book - and hence the approved CCSDS project was for a Magenta Book. We had been moving in that direction, but with little momentum from the other Agencies, we decided to change horses and go with a an Orange Book that we could published relatively quickly. Chuck added more informative material into the non-normative section that would have required a separate Green Book.
Since the OB is written in the same format as a Magenta Book - which is written in the same format as a Blue Book, the movement from Orange to either Magenta or Blue is not a heavy lift other than the need for interoperable implementations that are needed to go Blue.
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image001.png - https://scanss.zendesk.com/attachments/token/5FNHXbosZ6dTtxQgooKz0bdQr/?name=image001.pngimage002.png - https://scanss.zendesk.com/attachments/token/YggldJhlDW8laa0fw9rYa1q4p/?name=image002.png
Shames, Peter M (US 312B), Aug 1, 2024, 6:16 PM EDT
Dear CCSDS Secretariat,
Please carry out the tasks called for in the following Resolution:
SEA Resolution - SEA-R-2024-08-01: Request Publication of CCSDS Intergovernmental Certificate Authority Orange Book
The CCSDS Systems Engineering Area (SEA) Area Director,
CONSIDERING that the Security Working Group (Sec WG) has:
o Produced and reached consensus on the current version of the draftIntergovernmental Certificate Authority Orange Book, and
o Reached consensus on requesting Approval to Publish Issue 1 of this Orange Book, and
o Provided the draft document which the SEA AD has reviewed and approves.
And CONSIDERING that the CCSDS Org & Proc, A02x1y4c, states, in Sec B.2.2, Orange Book, that:
At such time as the WG has completed the development, the WG chair may petition the CESG via the Area Director to publish the final document as a CCSDS Experimental Specification.
RESOLVES to request the CESG to review and approve Publication of the CCSDS Intergovernmental Certificate Authority Orange Book, CCSDS ???-O-1, Book Issue 1.
RECOMMENDS that the CESG approve this resolution and, finally
REQUESTS that CESG and CMC polls be conducted to accomplish this.
PKI1-lp2.3.png - https://scanss.zendesk.com/attachments/token/iVN5tRu4C6NJ2FtWDJOKh5nQs/?name=PKI1-lp2.3.pngLunaNet 1.10 Graphics--LCA Figs-lp-cs.png - https://scanss.zendesk.com/attachments/token/YtIOuUqQoxYYHHg8iCMrgDcGb/?name=LunaNet+1.10+Graphics--LCA+Figs-lp-cs.pngAlice-Bob-lp-cs.png - https://scanss.zendesk.com/attachments/token/jvPxQ1HqYZRaPQOZJt6t9eFhQ/?name=Alice-Bob-lp-cs.pngCCSDS_IGCA_Orange_Book_5_1_24-lp.docx - https://scanss.zendesk.com/attachments/token/JgNpQCG2Q2FNhFJyklsD5trbc/?name=CCSDS_IGCA_Orange_Book_5_1_24-lp.docxDrawing2.png - https://scanss.zendesk.com/attachments/token/i2xu9o0TVwC2whva5BEDHE5Zk/?name=Drawing2.png
Sheehe, Charles J. (GRC-LCN0), Aug 1, 2024, 11:38 AM EDT
I am good with any path to get this out and into print.
IMHO we need the document to solidify our security OpsCon for 3GPP, WiFi, IPSec and DTN-KA, A&A.
I do not work standards, I am trying to finish an old commitment.
After Print, I/we will need to find resources to make it happen.
Charles J. Sheehe III
Computer Engineer
Secure Networks, System
Integration and Test Branch (LCN)
Glenn Research Center
21000 Brookpark Rd
Cleveland, OH 44135
Charles.J.Sheehe at NASA.GOV Email
Charles.J.Sheehe at NSS.SGov.Gov SIPRmail
Charles.Sheehe at NASA.IC.Gov
Office: 216-433-5179
There are two ways to design a system. One is to make it so simple there are obviously no deficiencies.
The other is to make it so complex there are no obvious deficiencies.
- C. A. R. Hoare
**From:** Howard.Weiss at parsons.us <Howard.Weiss at parsons.us>
**Sent:** Thursday, August 1, 2024 11:29 AM
**To:** Sheehe, Charles J. (GRC-LCN0) <charles.j.sheehe at nasa.gov>; Shames, Peter M (JPL-312B)[JPL Employee] <peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov>; CCSDS Secretariat <secretariat at mailman.ccsds.org>
**Subject:** [EXTERNAL] Re: CCSDS_IGCA_Orange_Book
**CAUTION:** This email originated from outside of NASA. Please take care when clicking links or opening attachments. Use the "Report Message" button to report suspicious messages to the NASA SOC.
Another question/issue: the existing project for this document calls for a Magenta Book. At The Hague meeting, we decided to go with an Orange Book.
I can't unilaterally change the existing project - it says that changing a book color requires CMC approval. It appears that the Secretariat can perform the ground-work to accomplish the change? Or should we simply ask to cancel the existing project and create a new one as an Orange Book?
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Howard.Weiss at parsons.us, Aug 1, 2024, 11:29 AM EDT
Another question/issue: the existing project for this document calls for a Magenta Book. At The Hague meeting, we decided to go with an Orange Book.
I can't unilaterally change the existing project - it says that changing a book color requires CMC approval. It appears that the Secretariat can perform the ground-work to accomplish the change? Or should we simply ask to cancel the existing project and create a new one as an Orange Book?
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image001.png - https://scanss.zendesk.com/attachments/token/TakgL2Cp82SVz7pVGehg9XTxx/?name=image001.pngimage002.png - https://scanss.zendesk.com/attachments/token/sWGXiwr9uOLwBS3jdYBO1l7ZK/?name=image002.png
Howard.Weiss at parsons.us, Aug 1, 2024, 11:17 AM EDT
I didn't forward the document to the Secretariat. I was waiting for Peter's "go forth" before doing so.
Peter - any objections with moving forward?
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Laura Stafford, Aug 1, 2024, 10:55 AM EDT
I have CCed Tom Gannett, who will be able to assist.
Laura Stafford
CCSDS IT Tech Support
mailto:lstafford at asrcfederal.com
o: 937-985-4445
7000 Muirkirk Meadows Drive, Beltsville, MD 20705
asrcfederal.com | Purpose Driven. Enduring Commitment.
Sheehe, Charles J. (GRC-LCN0), Aug 1, 2024, 8:06 AM EDT
I am checking on the status of the IGCA Orange book.
I am hopeful that it is in processing. I am sort of sure Peter is enjoying sailing and his reduced hours, but being selfish. I would like to get to the next step.
If you can find something out, so I can address it or just report the status that would be great.
FYI I put $ 100 on the browns to win it all at 40 - 1 So I just assured KC will win again.
Charles J. Sheehe III
Computer Engineer
Secure Networks, System
Integration and Test Branch (LCN)
Glenn Research Center
21000 Brookpark Rd
Cleveland, OH 44135
Charles.J.Sheehe at NASA.GOV Email
Charles.J.Sheehe at NSS.SGov.Gov SIPRmail
Charles.Sheehe at NASA.IC.Gov
Office: 216-433-5179
There are two ways to design a system. One is to make it so simple there are obviously no deficiencies.
The other is to make it so complex there are no obvious deficiencies.
- C. A. R. Hoare
**From:** Sheehe, Charles J. (GRC-LCN0)
**Sent:** Monday, June 17, 2024 9:19 AM
**To:** Howard.Weiss at parsons.us
**Subject:** FW: CCSDS_IGCA_Orange_Book
Final version with separate drawing
Charles J. Sheehe III
Computer Engineer
Secure Networks, System
Integration and Test Branch (LCN)
Glenn Research Center
21000 Brookpark Rd
Cleveland, OH 44135
Charles.J.Sheehe at NASA.GOV Email
Charles.J.Sheehe at NSS.SGov.Gov SIPRmail
Charles.Sheehe at NASA.IC.Gov JWICS
Office: 216-433-5179
"The plural of anecdote is not data."
**From:** Sheehe, Charles J. (GRC-LCN0)
**Sent:** Thursday, May 2, 2024 2:40 PM
**To:** Shames, Peter M (JPL-312B)[JPL Employee] <peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov>
**Cc:** Howard.Weiss at parsons.us; Marcus Wallum <Marcus.Wallum at esa.int>
**Subject:** CCSDS_IGCA_Orange_Book
Hi Peter
Attached is the IGCA orange book for your approval.
The orange book has been updated as requested.
Images corrected and harmonized, with possible deployment graphics, included in annex as requested.
PNG files that were requested.
Please accept this document for publication.
Charles J. Sheehe III
Computer Engineer
Secure Networks, System
Integration and Test Branch (LCN)
Glenn Research Center
21000 Brookpark Rd
Cleveland, OH 44135
Charles.J.Sheehe at NASA.GOV Email
Charles.J.Sheehe at NSS.SGov.Gov SIPRmail
Charles.Sheehe at NASA.IC.Gov JWICS
Office: 216-433-5179
![Orion](https://scanss.zendesk.com/attachments/token/LEE9W3f8GKQ9Q078ZdfWx3RMS/?name=image001.png) ![](https://scanss.zendesk.com/attachments/token/wdmkvIlHnsQLg8fcC0bPoHtHF/?name=image002.png)
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