[CESG] New CESG Poll

Stafford, Laura L LStafford at asrcfederal.com
Tue Sep 12 16:42:13 UTC 2023

Dear CESG Members,

A new CESG poll has been posted to the CWE:

  *   CESG-P-2023-09-001 Approval of SEA Motion Imagery and Applications Working Group Deputy Chair

This poll can be accessed via the following link:


The closure date for this poll is 26 September 2023

NOTE TO CC RECIPIENTS: Only Area Directors and

Deputy Area Directors vote on CESG polls.


Laura Stafford
CCSDS IT Tech Support

lstafford at asrcfederal.com <mailto:lstafford at asrcfederal.com%20%0d>

c: (937) 499-3591

7000 Muirkirk Meadows Drive, Beltsville, MD 20705

asrcfederal.com<https://www.asrcfederal.com/> | Purpose Driven. Enduring Commitment.


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