[CESG] CCSDS Resolution MOIMS-R-2023-10-001, appointment of Costin Radulescu as the MOIMS SM&C WG Deputy Chair

Daniel Fischer Daniel.Fischer at esa.int
Wed Oct 11 10:14:17 UTC 2023

Dear CCSDS Secretariat,

Resolution: Appointment of Costin Radulescu as the MOIMS SM&C WG Deputy Chair

The Mission Operations and Information Management (MOIMS) Area,

CONSIDERING that the position of MOIMS SM&C WG Deputy Chair is open,
And that NASA has nominated Costin Radulescu, who has been an active member of the WG, to fill that position,
And that Costin has the necessary experience in the WG and excellent credentials.
And RECOGNIZING that responsibility for recommending a WG Deputy Chair is an AD responsibility,
And that approving the WG Deputy Chair is a CESG responsibility (CCSDS Org & Proc, A02.1-Y-4c2, Sec CESG Responsibilities, Clause n)
And that the CMC has not proposed additional candidates

RESOLVES to request CESG to approve the appointment of Costin Radulescu as the MOIMS SM&C WG Deputy Chair

REQUESTS that a CESG poll be conducted to accomplish this.

Below a brief bio of Costin in support of his qualification for the role:
Costin Radulescu started his JPL career more than 25 years ago as a developer of the Galileo real-time telemetry processor. Over the years, Costin has been responsible for the development, evolution, and applications of Multi-mission Ground Data System, Deep Space Network and Planetary Data System products and services with deployments ranging from planetary missions, Earth, to the International Space Station. He is currently the Program Chief Engineer for NASA's Multi-mission Ground System and Services Program which offers deep space mission products and services for mission control, mission design and navigation, mission planning and sequencing and instrument data systems & archiving.
Mr. Radulescu holds a Bachelor in Computer Science from California State Polytechnic University, Pomona and a Master's in Computer Science from University of Southern California (USC).

Kind Regards,
Daniel Fischer

ESA - European Space Agency
Daniel Fischer  I  Head of Ground Segment System and Cybersecurity Engineering
Ground Segment Engineering and Innovation Department
Directorate of Operations
ESOC I Robert-Bosch-Str. 5, 64293 Darmstadt, Germany
Tel: +49 6151 902718
Daniel.Fischer at esa.int<mailto:Daniel.Fischer at esa.int>   I   www.esa.int<http://www.esa.int/>

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