[CESG] New DTN WG members of NASA / JPL Standards team

Shames, Peter M (US 312B) peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov
Thu Jan 26 00:19:58 UTC 2023

 Dear Klaus-Juergen and CESG members,

I am not sure that you are aware of this, but Keith Scott has retired from MITRE and from CCSDS.  Bob Durst, who some of you may remember from a few years ago, has agreed to come back and work on the DTN tasks to replace Keith.  His colleague, Dr Tamer Refaei, will also be supporting this effort.

We do want you to be aware that NASA has a very strong candidate to replace Keith, in the form of Bob Durst.  I do not recall if you and Bob overlapped, but he was the SIS AD for a number of years, so he is extremely well qualified for this job.  DTN, as you know, is really important to NASA for Lunar and Mars exploration and there is still a substantial amount of work to do.

We do expect the usual WG Chair nomination processes to be followed, but while that is in process would request that you include Bob in any DTN-related correspondence that would normally have gone to Keith Scott.

Best regards, Peter

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