[CESG] JAXA CMC Representative

Hiroshi Takeuchi takeuchi at isas.jaxa.jp
Wed Apr 5 11:06:13 UTC 2023

Dear Sami, Peter, Shigeta-san and all,

Shigeta-san, thank you for introducing me. Sami, thanks for your warm words.
I recognize that taking over for Shigeta-san, who has done so much great work, is a very responsible and difficult role,
but I will do the best I can.
I have not been able to contribute anything to SEA's work as DAD because it has been completely left to Peter, a very active area director.
If it is permissible, I would like to nominate a colleague of mine who is working in SEA to succeed me as DAD. (I will contact Peter and Sami
about this in a separate email.)

Hiroshi Takeuchi

2023/03/31 15:55:05, "Asmar, Sami W (US 9100)" wrote:
>From:     "Asmar, Sami W (US 9100)" <sami.w.asmar at jpl.nasa.gov>
>To:       繁田 勉 <shigeta.tsutomu at jaxa.jp>, 
>          "'cmc at mailman.ccsds.org'" <cmc at mailman.ccsds.org>, 
>          "'cesg at mailman.ccsds.org'" <cesg at mailman.ccsds.org>, 
>          "'Massaquoi, Amber S'" <AMassaquoi at asrcfederal.com>
>Cc:       "'Hiroshi Takeuchi'" <takeuchi at isas.jaxa.jp>, 
>          竹内 央 <takeuchi.hiroshi at jaxa.jp>, 
>          鈴木 清久 <suzuki.kiyohisa at jaxa.jp>
>Subject:  Re: JAXA CMC Representative
>Best wishes to you Shigeta-san, and warm welcome to the CMC to our friend 
>From: CMC <cmc-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org> on behalf of 繁田 勉 via CMC 
><cmc at mailman.ccsds.org>
>Date: Thursday, March 30, 2023 at 11:15 PM
>To: 'cmc at mailman.ccsds.org' <cmc at mailman.ccsds.org>, 'cesg at mailman.ccsds.org' 
><cesg at mailman.ccsds.org>, 'Massaquoi, Amber S' <AMassaquoi at asrcfederal.com>
>Cc: 'Hiroshi Takeuchi' <takeuchi at isas.jaxa.jp>, 竹内 央 <takeuchi.
>hiroshi at jaxa.jp>, 鈴木 清久 <suzuki.kiyohisa at jaxa.jp>
>Subject: [EXTERNAL] [CMC] JAXA CMC Representative
>Dear Sami-san, Amber-san, CMC and CESG folks,
>JAXA is pleased to announce that Hiroshi Takeuchi will be acting as new JAXA 
>Representative for the CMC.
>Because everybody is so familiar with Takeuchi-san, I do not think I need to 
>introduce him in this message.
>Takeuchi-san is Deputy AD of SEA, expert on DDOR and actively contributing to 
>the DDOR WG activities.
>In JAXA, he is leading the JAXA Committee of CCSDS activities as a committee
>’s chairperson.
>Regarding the dual engagements of CMC and DAD positions, I want to believe 
>there is no rule or concern for acting like that.
>Finally, although my e-mail address shigeta.tsutomu at jaxa.jp is no longer 
>available after next week, my colleagues in CC of this message follow up some 
>matters including the designation of AR(Agency Representative) of the SANA 
>Best wishes, and thank you again for everything ..... Shigeta

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