[CESG] OMG Unified Architecture Framework - free on-line seminar

Shames, Peter M (US 312B) peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov
Wed Feb 16 22:27:00 UTC 2022

Dear SEA SAWG members,

Via the CCSDS-OMG liaison link I just became aware of some “new-ish” work that I believe is relevant for us in CCSDS.

The UML and SysML, as you are probably aware, were created by the OMG and INCOSE.  I usually follow this stuff at arm’s length, too many threads, but this caught my eye.  Look for the link below to the free, on-line, presentations titled “Unified Architecture Framework Summit<https://urldefense.us/v3/__https:/go.omgprograms.org/e/658223/-special-events-UAF-Summit-htm/5q1rdp/405871206?h=P53jvtwRDcv4Mk3xzncSJC5oqCFVvaxxF-Ax3lfHU7s__;!!PvBDto6Hs4WbVuu7!YDUy786xOJyJPbJyRAWa9YgKlMEN7NBGFBTpBWCTeillXQAImy_1u1Tz_fmavZ0Sac8wKHsS$>”.   I downloaded the referenced Unified Architecture Framework (UAF) doc..

After an admittedly quick review of that document I do find that this approach covers a lot of the necessary territory for defining enterprise and systems architecture models and for describing the stages that they transition through, both at the enterprise and systems levels.  It’s a quite thorough piece of work and it contains a good selection of viewpoints, views, and examples thereof.   It probably deserves to be recommended reading for both Enterprise and Systems Architects.

I intend that we will give this a look in the context of the RASDS++ work.  The scope of it, since it also covers Enterprise Architecture, is typically a lot broader than the RASDS systems architecture is intended to cover.  And, as might be expected given that, it’s coverage of the more technical systems architecture topics that we address, including the details of protocols, connectivity, and deployment are rather scant.  That said, it is an excellent piece of work and is worthy of review.

I’ve signed up to the free summit meeting.

Cheers, Peter

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