[CESG] CESG-P-2020-12-006 Approval to publish CCSDS 922.3-B-1, Cross Support Transfer Service—Forward Frame Service ( Blue Book, Issue 1)

Thomas Gannett thomas.gannett at tgannett.net
Sun Mar 7 15:48:12 UTC 2021

Dear CESG Members,

Conditions for approval of CCSDS 922.3-B-1, Cross 
Support Transfer Service—Forward Frame Service 
(Blue Book, Issue 1) have been disposed to the 
satisfaction of the AD(s) who voted to approve 
with conditions. The Secretariat will now proceed 
with CMC polling to authorize publication.

Thomas Gannett
thomas.gannett at tgannett.net
+1 443 472 0805 
-------------- next part --------------
From:	Shames, Peter M (US 312B) <peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov>
Sent:	Thursday, March 04, 2021 4:35 PM
To:	EXTERNAL-Pietras, John V (US 332C-Affiliate)
Cc:	Barkley, Erik J (US 3970); Holger.Dreihahn at esa.int; Wolfgang Hell; Pham, 
Timothy T (US 3300); Neutze, Robert L. (MSFC-EO60)[CSC - HOSC]; 
Clement.Leclerc at cnes.fr; Liao, Jason C (US 333F); Tom Gannett
Subject:	Re: [EXTERNAL] Response to CSEG Review comments on the FF-CSTS 
candidate Blue Book

Follow Up Flag:	Follow up
Flag Status:	Flagged

Categories:	Poll Condition Closure

Dear John,

Always a wonderful opening to a letter, right?  After looking over, in some detail, the proposed 
resolutions for the issues that I raised I am pleased to be able to state that you have addressed my 
concerns.  I believe that the changes have made the various distinctions among the different flavors of 
service provision clearer, and, more importantly from my PoV, have made the visible the assumptions 
that were  “baked in”, but not expressed, in service production.  This now provided visibility to the 
multiplexing functions that are so essential to the proper functioning of this service as a key part of the 
future CCSDS ESLT “plumbing”.

I consider my PID to poll CESG-P-2020-12-006 to be resolved and agree to having the revised document 
published in its modified form.

I will note that some last minute massaging by Tom Gannett will likely be required, there were at least a 
couple of spelling errors noted in passing.

Thanks, Peter

From: John Pietras <john.pietras at gst.com> 
Date: Sunday, February 14, 2021 at 1:31 PM 
To: Peter Shames <peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov> 
Cc: Erik Barkley <erik.j.barkley at jpl.nasa.gov>, "Holger.Dreihahn at esa.int" 
<Holger.Dreihahn at esa.int>, Wolfgang Hell <wo_._he at t-online.de>, Tim Pham 
<timothy.t.pham at jpl.nasa.gov>, "Neutze, Robert L. (MSFC-EO60)[CSC - HOSC]" 
<robert.l.neutze at nasa.gov>, "Clement.Leclerc at cnes.fr" <Clement.Leclerc at cnes.fr>, "Liao, 
Jason C (US 333F)" <jason.c.liao at jpl.nasa.gov>, Tom Gannett <thomas.gannett at tgannett.net> 
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Response to CSEG Review comments on the FF-CSTS candidate Blue Book

Peter, it’s taken a few weeks, but the CSTSWG has completed our response to your conditions and 
comments on the CSEG Review copy of the FF-CSTS candidate Blue Book. Erik has also reviewed and 
concurs with the response.
Attached are (a) an updated draft FF-CSTS book, containing the changes to the book that have resulted 
in response to your conditions/comments, and (b) a document that contains point-by-point responses to 
the comments that you made in your email of 16 January to Erik, Holger, and Tom and in your marked-
up copy of the CESG Approval version of the book.
Hopefully, between the changes that have been made and the explanations provided for questions that 
you had, your conditions for approval have been satisfied. Please contact me if you have any further 
questions or comments. 
Tom G. – I’m copying you on this to keep you in the loop on where this book sits. Once the CSTSWG and 
Peter have come to agreement regarding removal of his conditions, I’ll send to you the final updated 
copy (if there any more changes), the final response/resolution document, and the original artwork for 
the updated figures so that you can prepare the CMC approval version.
Best regards,

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