[CESG] Resolution CSS-R-2021-01-001, Technical Corrigendum for CCSDS 902.1-B-1, Simple Schedule

Barkley, Erik J (US 3970) erik.j.barkley at jpl.nasa.gov
Thu Jan 28 19:39:34 UTC 2021

CCSDS Secretariat,

Attached and also listed below, please find a resolution for publication of a technical corrigendum for the CCSDS Simple Schedule Recommendation - CCSDS 902.1-B-1.

Best regards,

Ps., the technical corrigendum has already been sent to the Secretariat via separate email.

CSS-R-2021-01-001, Resolution for Technical Corrigendum of CCSDS 902.1-B-1 Cross Support Service Management - Simple Schedule

The CSS Area,

CONSIDERING that the Cross Support Service Management WG has

  1.  identified errors in the statement of frequency band designators;
  2.  a corrected XML schema organization that includes the schema for 902.1; and
  3.  identified an omission such that a SANA registry consideration is not fully described

and RECONGINZING that the CSSM WG agrees that the corrections need to be applied;

RESOLVES that a Technical Corrigendum for 902.1-B-1 be published, and

REQUESTS that the CCSDS Secretariat initiate the CESG and CMC polling for publication of the corrigendum.

[End Resolution]

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