[CESG] [CMC] SLS-C&S WG Chair nomination

Asmar, Sami W (US 9110) sami.w.asmar at jpl.nasa.gov
Sun Feb 28 04:31:24 UTC 2021

Thank you Gian Paolo for sharing the information.

I did not get to know Massimo, but please pass our gratitude and best wishes to him as we proceed with the outlined process of nominating candidate’s for  replacement.


From: CMC <cmc-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org> on behalf of "Gian.Paolo.Calzolari at esa.int" <Gian.Paolo.Calzolari at esa.int>
Date: Friday, February 26, 2021 at 1:41 PM
To: "CMC at mailman.ccsds.org" <CMC at mailman.ccsds.org>
Cc: SLS - Space Link Services Area <sls at mailman.ccsds.org>, CCSDS CESG -- <cesg at mailman.ccsds.org>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [CMC] SLS-C&S WG Chair nomination

Dear CMC members,

after several years of service as SLS-C&S WG Chair, Massimo Bertrinelli is stepping down from his role in the Coding & Synchronization Working Group.

In accordance with the CCSDS Organization and Processes, CCSDS A02.1-Y-4, Sec, in my function of SLS Area Director, I kindly ask the CCSDS member agencies for candidates for the position of SLS-C&S WG Chair.

Suitable candidates should have familiarity with the topic, processes, and standards.
Please provide me with your candidate, if any, by Friday 12 March 2021.

Let me also take this opportunity to thank Massimo Bertinelli for his outstanding contribution to the SLS Coding & Synchronization WG.

Best regards,

Gian Paolo Calzolari
SLS Area Director
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