[CESG] Incorrect Result Initially reported for CMC-P-2020-07-004

Blackwood, Michael D MBlackwood at asrcfederal.com
Mon Sep 14 19:04:04 UTC 2020

Dear CMC Members,

The incorrect results were previously reported for CMC-P-2020-07-004, CESG Escalation to CMC about Unresolved CESG Poll. NASA’s response was reported as “Adopt” when the response was in fact “Reject”. My sincerest apologies for the mistake and any resulting confusion. The corrected results are as follows:

CMC E-Poll Identifier: CMC-P-2020-07-004
CESG Escalation to CMC about Unresolved Poll

Results of CMC poll beginning 15 July 2020 and ending 29 July 2020:

Adopt:  8 (89%) (CNES, CNSA, CSA, DLR, ESA, INPE, JAXA, UKSA)
Adopt Provisionally:  0 (0%)
Reject:  1 (11%) (NASA)
Reject with Comments:  0 (0%)

Results are based on responses from 9 out of 11 members (81.81%).

No response was received from the following Agencies:



Comments from ESA:

ESA agree to release the book for Agency Review

Secretariat Interpretation of Results: Adopted
Resulting CMC Resolution:
Inferred Secretariat Action: Refer topic back to the CMC for further discussion, presumably at the next Midterm Meeting.

Best regards,

Michael Blackwood
CCSDS Secretariat
W: 301-837-3901 | michael.blackwood at asrcfederal.com<mailto:michael.blackwood at asrcfederal.com>
7515 Mission Drive, Seabrook, MD 20706
ASRC Federal | Customer-Focused. Operationally Excellent.


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