[CESG] Request to finalize the four SANA docs from polls CESG-P-2020-02-001 thru -004, and an associated fix to CCSDS A02.1-Y-4

Shames, Peter M (US 312B) peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov
Tue Apr 28 23:33:11 UTC 2020

Dear Tom,

Attached please find a spreadsheet (CESG Poll Resolved issues 313x0,1,2 & 315x1 22Apr20) with the set of resolved PIDs that were raised during the four recent CESG polls:

  1.  Poll CESG-P-2020-02-001, Doc CCSDS 313.0-Y-3, Draft SANA Role, Responsibilities, Policies, and Procedures  (largely guidance for the SANA Operator and the CMC, CESG, interactions)
  2.  Poll CESG-P-2020-02-001, Doc CCSDS 313.1-Y-2, Draft Registry Management Policy (describes the overall re-engineering of the set of SANA registries, with emphasis on the Enterprise and Global sets, and the overall registry use and extension policies)
  3.  Poll CESG-P-2020-02-003, Doc CCSDS 313.2-Y-2, Draft Procedures for SANA Registry Specification (a concise guide for any WG that needs to create or modify a registry, should be the only doc that most WG need to read)
  4.  Poll CESG-P-2020-02-004, Doc CCSDS 315.1-Y-1, Draft CCSDS URN Namespace Policy (the policy for URNs)

There are four separate sets PIDs in this file, some of them are duplicates from different ADs, or are the same issue raised for different documents.  There are agreed resolutions for all of these shown in green.  All of these were reviewed within a CESG working meeting and those that remained unresolved were subsequently worked with the ADs who submitted them and reviewed by the CESG.   There is a fifth set with 2 PIDs that reflect the consequent changes to the CCSDS A02.1-Y-4 document, to clarify the definition of the Expert Group term used in these SANA document and align it with the closest cognate, which is a SIG.  These Expert Groups are a form of a semi-permanent SIG.  The CESG concurs.

The second document that is attached is a version of the CCSDS 313.2-Y-2, Draft Procedures for SANA Registry Specification with embedded edits primarily to sec 2.3, but some other sections as well.  This is a Word doc "313x2y2_draft_v1a discrepancies.doc ".  These text changes were provided rather than the more tedious From: / To: format to deal with issues discussed in rows: 17, 34, 35, and 39.  You will have to review the Word doc and the Excel spreadsheet to ensure that everything is covered.

Once these changes have been applied I believe that these docs are ready for CMC approval and publication.

Best regards, and take care, Peter

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