[CESG] Resolution CSS-R-2020-04-001, publication of technical corrigendum for CSTS Guidelines Magenta Book

Barkley, Erik J (US 3970) erik.j.barkley at jpl.nasa.gov
Thu Apr 16 17:36:06 UTC 2020

Dear CCSDS Secretariat,

Attached and listed below, please find a resolution for publication of a technical corrigendum for the CSTS guidelines magenta book.

Best regards,

CSS-R-2020-04-001, Resolution concerning technical corrigendum for CCSDS 921.2-M-1 Guidelines for the Specification of Cross Support Transfer Services

The CSS Area,


  1.  CCSDS 921.2-M-1 Guidelines for the Specification of Cross Support Transfer Services, is a published CCSDS recommendation providing normative best practice guidance with respect to specifying Cross Support Transfer Services
  2.  a lack of specificity for relating a particular version of a CSTS recommendation to one and only one version of the CSTS Framework needs to be corrected

and RECONGINZING that the minor but technically important corrections have been satisfactorily made;

RESOLVES to request, respectfully, that the CCSDS Secretariat

  1.  prepare the necessary corrigendum in conformance with the corrections indicated
  2.  initiate polling to formally publish the corrigendum for CCSDS 921.2-M-1 Guidelines for the Specification of Cross Support Transfer Services.

[End Resolution]

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