[CESG] RID Database

Colin.Haddow at esa.int Colin.Haddow at esa.int
Fri May 17 14:37:28 UTC 2019

Dear all,
                  I am aware that the decision at the Mountain View 
Meeting with respect to the CCSDS RID database was to use an Excel based 
approach. However after having spent a little time on it I've uploaded an 
MS Access based database that could be used. This contained 4 forms;

Document Details Entry Form -   Used to enter the details of the 
document(s) under review.
Reviewer Details Entry Form -   Used to enter details of the reviewer(s)
RID Entry Form -                        Used to enter the RID details
RID Review Form -                       Used to review the RIDs

The fields in the RID forms correspond pretty much to the existing CCSDS 
text based form with the addition of 2 fields, 1 for attachments and 1 to 
indicate which other RIDs the RID may be related to. 

It is also possible to produce a a Word report of the RIDs from the 
database using Words mail merge facility.

In the upload there are 4 files;

-                               An empty access database with the 
appropriate table, forms etc.
-       Word document providing the template for the mail merge report.
-                                                       An example 
populated database (data used to populate it comes from an old Simple 
Schedule Red Review + some test data)
-                       An example report generated via mail merge from 
the example database.

The above was nailed together quite quickly and I won't claim its totally 
bullet proof but I think it covers pretty much all that's needed.

Anyway if you're interested please take a look.

Cheers for now,


Dr. Colin R. Haddow,
HSO-GI, European Space Agency,
European Space Operations Centre,
Robert-Bosch-Str 5,
64293 Darmstadt,

Phone; +49 6151 90 2896
Fax;      +49 6151 90 3010
E-Mail;  colin.haddow at esa.int

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