[CESG] CESG Poll Closure Reminder

CCSDS Secretariat thomas.gannett at tgannett.net
Mon Jan 8 11:00:00 UTC 2018

Dear CESG Members,

The closure date for the following polls is 15 January 2018:

- CESG-P-2017-12-001 Approval to publish CCSDS 
506.3-M-1, Delta-DOR Quasar Catalog Update Procedure (Magenta Book, Issue 1)
- CESG-P-2017-12-002 Approval to publish CCSDS 
506.0-M-2, Delta-Differential One Way Ranging 
(Delta-DOR) Operations (Magenta Book, Issue 2)
- CESG-P-2017-12-003 Approval to publish CCSDS 
509.0-B-1, Pointing Request Message (Blue Book, Issue 1)
- CESG-P-2017-12-004 Approval to publish CCSDS 
647.4-O-1, Data Entity Dictionary Specification 
Language (DEDSL)—XML/XSD Syntax (Orange Book, Issue 1)
- CESG-P-2017-12-005 Approval to publish CCSDS 
401.0-B-28, Radio Frequency and Modulation 
Systems—Part 1: Earth Stations and Spacecraft (Blue Book, Issue 28)
- CESG-P-2017-12-006 Approval to publish CCSDS 
730.2-G-1, Requirements for Streaming Services 
over Bundle Protocol (Green Book, Issue 1)
- CESG-P-2017-12-007 Approval to publish CCSDS 
413.0-G-3, Bandwidth-Efficient Modulations: 
Summary of Definition, Implementation, and Performance (Green Book, Issue 3)

These polls can be accessed via the following link:


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