[CESG] CESG-P-2017-12-006 Approval to publish CCSDS 730.2-G-1, Requirements for Streaming Services over Bundle Protocol (Green Book, Issue 1)

CCSDS Secretariat thomas.gannett at tgannett.net
Tue Aug 28 22:19:34 UTC 2018

Dear CESG Members,

Conditions for approval of CESG-P-2017-12-006 
Approval to publish CCSDS 730.2-G-1, Requirements 
for Streaming Services over Bundle Protocol 
(Green Book, Issue 1) have been disposed to the 
satisfaction of the AD(s) who voted to approve 
with conditions. The Secretariat will now proceed 
with CMC polling to authorize publication.

>From: Grubbs, Rodney P. (MSFC-HP27) [mailto:rodney.grubbs at nasa.gov]
>Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2018 3:13 PM
>To: Thomas Gannett
>Cc: Burleigh, Scott C (JPL-312B)[Jet Propulsion 
>Laboratory]; osvaldo.peinado at dlr.de Peinado
>Subject: Fwd: MIA Green Book comments disposition
>Tom, below is Jonathan’s approval of our 
>disposition of his comments.  The attached 
>document includes, with track changes, the text 
>we added to resolve his remaining 
>issue.  Otherwise, attached is exactly the same 
>as the version Walt sent you that was updated to 
>include everyone else’s changes.
>This should resolve ALL issues from the CESG polling.
>Rodney Grubbs
>NASA Imagery Experts Program Manager
>256-603-3270 (cellular, text message capable)
>Follow me on Twitter @rod4dtv
>Begin forwarded message:
>From: Jonathan Wilmot 
><<mailto:Jonathan.J.Wilmot at nasa.gov>Jonathan.J.Wilmot at NASA.gov>
>Subject: Re: MIA Green Book comments disposition
>Date: July 25, 2018 at 2:06:43 PM CDT
>To: "Grubbs, Rodney P. (MSFC-HP27)" 
><<mailto:rodney.grubbs at nasa.gov>rodney.grubbs at nasa.gov>
>    Thanks, that clarified the use case for me. I approve.
>    Kind regards,
>       Jonathan
>On 7/25/2018 2:58 PM, Grubbs, Rodney P. (MSFC-HP27) wrote:
>Jonathan, please see the revised text in 
>attached, page 4-1.  Please let me know
>if this satisfies your remaining concern and that you approve this version for
>moving forward toward publication.
>Thanks for your time in reviewing the document!
>Rodney Grubbs
>NASA Imagery Experts Program Manager
>256-603-3270 (cellular, text message capable)
>Follow me on Twitter @rod4dtv
> > On Jul 17, 2018, at 9:06 AM, Wilmot, Jonathan 
> J. (GSFC-5820) > 
> <<mailto:jonathan.j.wilmot at nasa.gov>jonathan.j.wilmot at nasa.gov 
> <mailto:jonathan.j.wilmot at nasa.gov>> wrote:
> >
> > Rodney,
> >
> >   Sorry, I had a death in the family and have been on AL this week.
> > I agree with your responses to all except 
> one, and I think it is because I was > not clear with my last comment.
> >
> > From the updated book.
> > .."playback in real-time as though it were 
> live, care must be taken to size > the storage 
> which is available to the DTN node in order to 
> provide data > storage for the entirety of the LOS period."
> >
> > The above implies (to me) that
> > 1) a video playback will be started via command and continue during LOS
> > 2) An assumption that the original video file will be retained
> > 3) BP and LTP will also store the video bundle PDU or LTP segment
> > 4) An assumption that video files are usually large
> >
> > Since the section is "OPERATIONAL 
> CONSIDERATIONS" I would have assumed one of > 
> the following operational scenarios:
> >
> > 1) Playback from the file would be paused 
> during AOS to avoid a substantial > amount of duplicate storage.
> > 2) Playback files are sent "best effort" and not stored in DTN.
> > 3) Once a file is reliability sent to the DTN 
> subsystem in the source end > node, the file is 
> removed as the next hop has accepted custody.
> >
> > One of the issues I have expressed to Scott 
> B. is that end systems will likely > not 
> allocate the mass and power for duplicate large 
> storage for the host file > system, the BP 
> storage, and LTP storage. The operations 
> concept should align > with this reality.
> >
> >    Kind regards,
> >
> >        Jonathan
> >
> > On 7/10/2018 2:48 PM, Grubbs, Rodney P. (MSFC-HP27) wrote:
> >> Jonathan, I can’t seem to find where I heard 
> back from you regarding >> disposition of your 
> comments to our Green Book, originally 
> titled >> “Requirements for Streaming Services 
> over Bundle Protocol”.  It is possible I >> 
> didn’t send this to you originally.  To remind 
> you, please see below.  Also >> attached is the 
> now revised Green Book.  We had numerous 
> comments to resolve >> with Peter Shames over 
> these past few months. Your comments are in 
> RED.  Can >> you please let me know that you consider your comments resolved?
> >>
> >> Thanks!
> >>
> >> Your general comment about the title 
> (General comment, book is a discussion >> of 
> use cases and not a requirements document with 
> "shalls". Is the document >> name appropriate? 
> Note: comments below avoid duplication with 
> other CESG >> review comments) was fixed when 
> we changed the title from *Requirements for >> 
> Streaming Services Over Bundle Protocol* to 
> *Concepts for Video Streaming >> Services Over Bundle Protocol.*
> >> Your comment on Section 4 (Section 4 states 
> "CFDP (as specified in 5.3)" >> Section 5.3 
> states "(CFDP) should be investigated" 5.3 does 
> not seen to >> specify use case. Add more 
> specification or reword reference to 5.3. It 
> would >> be useful to say CFDP Class 1 over DTN 
> would provide reliable multi-hop video >> file 
> transfers.) was addressed by removing the 
> reference to Section 5.3 >> there. Scott felt 
> that 5.3 was okay as it was because this book 
> is not >> intended to about CFDP. Section 5.3 
> has a reference to the CCSDS CFDP standard.
> >> We could not figure out what your last 
> comment referenced. It specifically >> called 
> out Section 4 page 19 (Operations concept for 
> file transfer in section >> 4 page 19 should 
> not be recomended due to potential duplication 
> storage >> requirements. Reword to state 
> streaming of CFDP files should pause in LOS >> 
> conditions to avoid data duplication between 
> bundles/LTP and video file >> system.).  In the 
> document you reviewed, section 4 doesn’t start 
> until real >> page 23. We were pretty sure you 
> were talking about the third paragraph of >> 
> Section 4 of the document you reviewed.  We 
> broke that paragraph in to 2 and >> reworded 
> part of it. Hopefully those changes handled that comment.
> >> *****
> >> Rodney Grubbs
> >> NASA Imagery Experts Program Manager
> >> MSFC HP27
> >> 256-544-4582
> >> 256-603-3270 (cellular, text message capable)
> >> Follow me on Twitter @rod4dtv
> >
> >
>From: Grubbs, Rodney P. (MSFC-HP27) [mailto:rodney.grubbs at nasa.gov]
>Sent: Monday, July 09, 2018 12:06 PM
>To: Thomas Gannett
>Cc: Burleigh, Scott C (JPL-312B)[Jet Propulsion 
>Laboratory]; osvaldo.peinado at dlr.de Peinado
>Subject: Disposition of MIA Green Book comments
>Tom, below is a summary of responses confirming 
>approval of our disposition of comments received 
>during the CESG review of our Green Book.
>Walt is cleaning up the last revision we sent to 
>Peter Shames.  The other CESG members have not 
>seen the revisions that we made after Peter’s 2nd and 3rd reviews.
> From Erik Barkley, received March 12, 2018
>Hello Rodney,
>I have taken a look at the updated document you 
>sent and my condition has been appropriately addressed.  Thank you.
>CCSDS Secretariat,
>Please consider my condition for this CESG Poll 
>(CESG-P-2017-12-006) as being retired.
>Best regards,
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Grubbs, Rodney P. (MSFC-HP27) 
><<mailto:rodney.grubbs at nasa.gov>rodney.grubbs at nasa.gov>
>Sent: Thursday, March 8, 2018 11:36 AM
>To: Barkley, Erik J (3970) 
><<mailto:erik.j.barkley at jpl.nasa.gov>erik.j.barkley at jpl.nasa.gov>
><mailto:osvaldo.peinado at dlr.de>osvaldo.peinado at dlr.de 
>Peinado <<mailto:osvaldo.peinado at dlr.de>osvaldo.peinado at dlr.de>
>Subject: comments to MIA Green Book
>Erik, we have reviewed your comments to our 
>Green Book and I believe resolved each one.  I’d 
>like to find some time to review them with you.
>The attached document includes in the notes each 
>comment we received from the CESG (in context), 
>and with "track changes" shows how we have resolved the comment.
>You may want to review the document before we 
>chat.  Or, after reviewing the document, you 
>hopefully will be content that we’ve resolved 
>everything.  If that is the case, I would just 
>need a note from you indicating such for my records.
> From Mario Merri
>Dear Rodney,
>I am satisfied with your proposed dispositions of my comments, thank you.
>From:        "Grubbs, Rodney P. (MSFC-HP27)" 
><<mailto:rodney.grubbs at nasa.gov>rodney.grubbs at nasa.gov>
>"<mailto:Mario.Merri at esa.int>Mario.Merri at esa.int" 
>  <<mailto:Mario.Merri at esa.int>Mario.Merri at esa.int>
>"<mailto:osvaldo.peinado at dlr.de>osvaldo.peinado at dlr.de 
>Peinado" <<mailto:osvaldo.peinado at dlr.de>osvaldo.peinado at dlr.de>
>Date:        08/03/2018 20:52
>Subject:        comments to MIA Green Book
>Mario, we have reviewed your comments to our 
>Green Book and I believe resolved each one.  I’d 
>like to find some time to review them with you.
>The attached document includes in the notes each 
>comment we received from the CESG (in context), 
>and with "track changes" shows how we have resolved the comment.
>You may want to review the document before we 
>chat.  Or, after reviewing the document, you 
>hopefully will be content that we’ve resolved 
>everything.  If that is the case, I would just 
>need a note from you indicating such for my records.
> From Gian Paolo
>         I disagree only about one statement; 
> i.e. "MIA Green Book, being non-normative, can (IMHO) say whatever it wants"
>In this respect I suggest the MIA Green Books 
>adding a remark to state that the used TCP CLA is not standardised yet.
>Rodney, is this OK for you?
>For the A6 changes, you may want to consult Tom 
>to see whether a quick Editorial/Technical Corrigendum is possible.
>Otherwise, you queue it up for the 5 years review in 20202.
>Gian Paolo
>Dear Rodney,
>         the corrections you inserted in the 
> document (together with a  couple of typos - 
> listed below in the PS -  I just found) are 
> satisfying the poll conditions I expressed.
>Tom is copied to record this.
>With respect to the side effect I am going to write a separate mail.
>Best regards
>Gian Paolo
>PS While checking the document I found a small 
>typo (mistiming words "data"/" e.g. ") in 
>section 5.3. Can you please change FROM
>CFDP may run over space link protocols (such as 
>CCSDS Advanced Orbiting Systems [AOS]) as well 
>as the Bundle Protocol, but in the context of 
>this book, exclusive focus is on the Bundle Protocol transport
>CFDP may run over space data link protocols 
>(such as e.g. CCSDS Advanced Orbiting Systems 
>[AOS]) as well as the Bundle Protocol, but in 
>the context of this book, exclusive focus is on the Bundle Protocol transport
>Another small remark is on figure 6-3 where an 
>arrow is labelled "Bundled Protocol" and it may 
>be the final "d" on Bundle is too much.
> From Peter Shames (after two earlier rounds of 
> resolving comments but then receiving new comments):
>Ok.  Go for it.
>And happy 4'th t you as well.
>From: "Lindblom, Walter E. (MSFC-IS40)[NICS]" 
><<mailto:walt.lindblom at nasa.gov>walt.lindblom at nasa.gov>
>Date: Tuesday, July 3, 2018 at 7:39 AM
>To: Scott Burleigh 
><<mailto:scott.c.burleigh at jpl.nasa.gov>scott.c.burleigh at jpl.nasa.gov>, 
>Peter Shames <<mailto:peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov>peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov>
>Cc: "Grubbs, Rodney P. (MSFC-HP27)" 
><<mailto:rodney.grubbs at nasa.gov>rodney.grubbs at nasa.gov>, 
>"<mailto:osvaldo.peinado at dlr.de>osvaldo.peinado at dlr.de" 
><<mailto:osvaldo.peinado at dlr.de>osvaldo.peinado at dlr.de>, 
>AGENCY]" <<mailto:jeremy.mayer at dlr.de>jeremy.mayer at dlr.de>
>Subject: Re: MIA Green Book 730.2-G-0
>This has the Live Stream removed from Figure 3.3 
>and the recommendations Scott made for changing 
>Figure 5.2. Please let me know if this will be acceptable!
>And Happy July 4th (for those that celebrate!),
>From: "Burleigh, Scott C (312B)" 
><<mailto:scott.c.burleigh at jpl.nasa.gov>scott.c.burleigh at jpl.nasa.gov>
>Date: Monday, July 2, 2018 at 6:45 PM
>To: "Shames, Peter M (JPL-312B)[Jet Propulsion 
><<mailto:peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov>peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov>, 
>Walt Lindblom <<mailto:walt.lindblom at nasa.gov>walt.lindblom at nasa.gov>
>Cc: "Grubbs, Rodney P. (MSFC-HP27)" 
><<mailto:rodney.grubbs at nasa.gov>rodney.grubbs at nasa.gov>, 
>"<mailto:osvaldo.peinado at dlr.de>osvaldo.peinado at dlr.de" 
><<mailto:osvaldo.peinado at dlr.de>osvaldo.peinado at dlr.de>, 
>Jeremy Mayer <<mailto:jeremy.mayer at dlr.de>jeremy.mayer at dlr.de>
>Subject: RE: MIA Green Book 730.2-G-0
>Interesting question.  I think this would entail 
>a substantial reworking of figure 3.3, because 
>the application data units (which become bundle 
>payloads) issued by the transparent gateway 
>never go into a file at all and therefore would 
>bypass CFDP altogether.  The figure 5.2 protocol 
>entity would appear between the “live stream” 
>application box – which in this case would be 
>the transparent gateway, but which we are 
>removing for simplicity – and the box labeled 
>“BP”.  I’d prefer not to make this substantial 
>revision to that 901.1-M-1 diagram here, though.
>The organizational relationship between the 
>bundle payload and the other blocks of a Bundle 
>is described in detail in 734.2-B-1.  Again, I’d 
>like to avoid recapitulating the material in 
>other books in this Green Book if possible.
>From: Shames, Peter M (312B)
>Sent: Monday, July 2, 2018 4:28 PM
>To: Burleigh, Scott C (312B) 
><<mailto:scott.c.burleigh at jpl.nasa.gov>scott.c.burleigh at jpl.nasa.gov>; 
>Lindblom, Walter E. (MSFC-IS40)[NICS] 
><<mailto:walt.lindblom at nasa.gov>walt.lindblom at nasa.gov>
>Cc: Grubbs, Rodney P. (MSFC-HP27) 
><<mailto:rodney.grubbs at nasa.gov>rodney.grubbs at nasa.gov>; 
><mailto:osvaldo.peinado at dlr.de>osvaldo.peinado at dlr.de; 
>AGENCY] <<mailto:jeremy.mayer at dlr.de>jeremy.mayer at dlr.de>
>Subject: Re: MIA Green Book 730.2-G-0
>Makes sense to me.  For Fig 3.3 I like showing 
>the two different paths, file based and RT, but 
>I agree it would make the figure more complicated.
>In Fig 5-2 I might be tempted to show the 
>relationship between the Bundle Payload, as 
>Scott described it, and the Bundle Header.  Let 
>me also ask you to think about just where on FIG 
>3.3 the Fig 5.2 protocol entity would appear.  Between which two boxes?
>Thanks, Peter
>From: Scott Burleigh 
><<mailto:scott.c.burleigh at jpl.nasa.gov>scott.c.burleigh at jpl.nasa.gov>
>Date: Monday, July 2, 2018 at 4:21 PM
>To: Peter Shames 
><<mailto:peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov>peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov>, 
>"Lindblom, Walter E. (MSFC-IS40)[NICS]" 
><<mailto:walt.lindblom at nasa.gov>walt.lindblom at nasa.gov>
>Cc: "Grubbs, Rodney P. (MSFC-HP27)" 
><<mailto:rodney.grubbs at nasa.gov>rodney.grubbs at nasa.gov>, 
>"<mailto:osvaldo.peinado at dlr.de>osvaldo.peinado at dlr.de" 
><<mailto:osvaldo.peinado at dlr.de>osvaldo.peinado at dlr.de>, 
>AGENCY]" <<mailto:jeremy.mayer at dlr.de>jeremy.mayer at dlr.de>
>Subject: RE: MIA Green Book 730.2-G-0
>Walt, I agree with Peter: let’s remove the live 
>stream notation from figure 3.3.  We don’t have 
>to show all possible configurations in this 
>figure, and if we do want to show live streaming 
>from the ground then we have to show a 
>corresponding live display on the spacecraft, 
>which makes the diagram too complex.
>On figure 5.2, I think the main problem is the 
>caption.  This figure does not show the 
>structure of a gateway, as one might reasonably 
>guess; it shows the structure of the payload of 
>any single bundle that is issued by the 
>“transparent gateway” application.  I would propose the following:
>·         Change the caption for figure 5.2 to 
>“Payload of bundle from transparent gateway”.
>·         Change the label at the top of the 
>diagram from “single bundle” to “payload of a single bundle”.
>·         Remove the block at the bottom of the 
>diagram that says “bundle protocol – generated by gateway”.
>From: Shames, Peter M (312B)
>Sent: Monday, July 2, 2018 3:37 PM
>To: Lindblom, Walter E. (MSFC-IS40)[NICS] 
><<mailto:walt.lindblom at nasa.gov>walt.lindblom at nasa.gov>
>Cc: Grubbs, Rodney P. (MSFC-HP27) 
><<mailto:rodney.grubbs at nasa.gov>rodney.grubbs at nasa.gov>; 
>Burleigh, Scott C (312B) 
><<mailto:scott.c.burleigh at jpl.nasa.gov>scott.c.burleigh at jpl.nasa.gov>; 
><mailto:osvaldo.peinado at dlr.de>osvaldo.peinado at dlr.de; 
>AGENCY] <<mailto:jeremy.mayer at dlr.de>jeremy.mayer at dlr.de>
>Subject: Re: MIA Green Book 730.2-G-0
>Hi Walt,
>I'm ok with Fig 3.3 and I like the addition of 
>your video user services.  The only issue I have 
>is that there is a flow on the RHS labelled 
>"Live Stream" that flows into the "User File 
>Application".  In my reading of this that should 
>be a stream of video data that gets flowed 
>directly into some sort of video to bundle 
>process, not into a "file application" and from 
>there directly into a Bundle Protocol (BP) 
>agent.   Somewhere, presumably on the Space User 
>Node, there should be a reverse process that 
>would accept bundles, extract video data, and 
>send a "live stream" to a video display.  I do 
>not see that.  My suggesitons is that you either 
>address all of these bits and pieces for a live 
>stream or leave it off and just show the video buffered in a file.
>In Fig 5.2 I still have no idea what you are 
>trying to say.  This is titled " Overview of 
>Transparent Gateway", and I provided the note before that said:
>Sorry, but I find this figure confusing.  It’s 
>labelled, at the top, “Single Bundle”, but it 
>includes what appear to be a “gateway header”, 
>packets, BP, BSSP, and lower layers.  Just what is it trying to show?
>I am still confused.  Is it a "Gateway" 
>connecting two different domains or is it a 
>single bundle?  If it is a "Gateway", what are 
>the stacks for the two (presumably different) 
>domains and what is the nature of the gateway 
>function?  If it is a "Single Bundle" where is 
>the bundle header and how is the data within the bundle structured?
>Trying to help here, but I get that this may be 
>a little tiresome.  Looking for clarity.
>Thanks, Peter
>From: "Lindblom, Walter E. (MSFC-IS40)[NICS]" 
><<mailto:walt.lindblom at nasa.gov>walt.lindblom at nasa.gov>
>Date: Monday, July 2, 2018 at 3:09 PM
>To: Peter Shames 
><<mailto:peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov>peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov>
>Cc: "Grubbs, Rodney P. (MSFC-HP27)" 
><<mailto:rodney.grubbs at nasa.gov>rodney.grubbs at nasa.gov>, 
>Scott Burleigh 
><<mailto:scott.c.burleigh at jpl.nasa.gov>scott.c.burleigh at jpl.nasa.gov>, 
>"<mailto:osvaldo.peinado at dlr.de>osvaldo.peinado at dlr.de" 
><<mailto:osvaldo.peinado at dlr.de>osvaldo.peinado at dlr.de>, 
>AGENCY]" <<mailto:jeremy.mayer at dlr.de>jeremy.mayer at dlr.de>
>Subject: MIA Green Book 730.2-G-0
>Please take a look at figures 3.3 & 5.2. 
>Hopefully the changes are acceptable. If this is 
>good, we will forward this to Tom to do his 
>magic, which will include inserting the article 
>referenced for Annex B and cleaning up the rest of the document.
>Walt Lindblom
>Rodney Grubbs
>NASA Imagery Experts Program Manager
>256-603-3270 (cellular, text message capable)
>Follow me on Twitter @rod4dtv
><mailto:Gian.Paolo.Calzolari at esa.int>Gian.Paolo.Calzolari at esa.int 
>[mailto:Gian.Paolo.Calzolari at esa.int]
>Sent: Friday, March 16, 2018 5:37 AM
>To: Grubbs, Rodney P. (MSFC-HP27)
>Cc: <mailto:osvaldo.peinado at dlr.de>osvaldo.peinado at dlr.de Peinado; Tom Gannett
>Subject: Re: comments on MIA Green Book 730.0-G
>Dear Rodney,
>         the corrections you inserted in the 
> document (together with a  couple of typos - 
> listed below in the PS -  I just found) are 
> satisfying the poll conditions I expressed.
>Tom is copied to record this.
>With respect to the side effect I am going to write a separate mail.
>Best regards
>Gian Paolo
>PS While checking the document I found a small 
>typo (mistiming words "data"/" e.g. ") in 
>section 5.3. Can you please change FROM
>CFDP may run over space link protocols (such as 
>CCSDS Advanced Orbiting Systems [AOS]) as well 
>as the Bundle Protocol, but in the context of 
>this book, exclusive focus is on the Bundle Protocol transport
>CFDP may run over space data link protocols 
>(such as e.g. CCSDS Advanced Orbiting Systems 
>[AOS]) as well as the Bundle Protocol, but in 
>the context of this book, exclusive focus is on the Bundle Protocol transport
>Another small remark is on figure 6-3 where an 
>arrow is labelled "Bundled Protocol" and it may 
>be the final "d" on Bundle is too much.
>From:        "Grubbs, Rodney P. (MSFC-HP27)" 
><<mailto:rodney.grubbs at nasa.gov>rodney.grubbs at nasa.gov>
>"<mailto:gian.paolo.calzolari at esa.int>gian.paolo.calzolari at esa.int" 
><<mailto:gian.paolo.calzolari at esa.int>gian.paolo.calzolari at esa.int>
>"<mailto:osvaldo.peinado at dlr.de%20Peinado>osvaldo.peinado at dlr.de 
>Peinado" <<mailto:osvaldo.peinado at dlr.de>osvaldo.peinado at dlr.de>
>Date:        08/03/2018 20:48
>Subject:        comments on MIA Green Book
>[attachment "730x2g0_CESG_Approval with notes 
>and highlights_rg_wl_1.docx" deleted by Gian Paolo Calzolari/esoc/ESA]
>Gian Paolo, we have reviewed your comments to 
>our Green Book and I believe resolved each 
>one.  I’d like to find some time to review them with you.
>The attached document includes in the notes each 
>comment we received from the CESG (in context), 
>and with "track changes" shows how we have resolved the comment.
>Regarding your comment:
>Gian Paolo Calzolari - Last but not least I 
>think that a feedback effect (e.g. Technical 
>corrigendum) to CCSDS 734.2-B-1 is required for 
>Annex B y=that contains the Convergence Layer Adapters (CLAs).
>Clause in B2.1 states "Compliant implementations 
>shall implement at least one of the CLAs in this 
>section." but, as the (normative) Annex B defines the following 3 CLAs
>then BSSP would not be not BP compliant.....
>Therefore it looks wise adding there the 
>definition of a TCP CLA and/or stating something 
>in B2.1 that the list of CLAs in Annex B is not exhaustive.
>I also noticed that (normative) section A6 BASIC 
>REQUIREMENTS mentions adapters referring to 
>sections B3.1.2 and B4 but not B5 (i,e. the 
>and the LTP CLA for Unreliable transmission 
>defined in B3.1.3 should be added to the table in A6).
>Since that comment really relates to a DTN book, 
>I asked Keith to comment.  Here is his response:
>If you ONLY implemented BSSP then it wouldn’t be 
>compliant.  But for a BP-compliant 
>implementation if you implement UDP and BSSP, or 
>LTP and BSSP, you’d be good.  I think you can 
>recommend using BSSP if you like (really, 
>anything since it’s a Green Book) and leave the 
>requirement from the BP Blue Book alone.
>                                 ­keith
>You may want to review the document before we 
>chat.  Or, after reviewing the document, you 
>hopefully will be content that we’ve resolved 
>everything.  If that is the case, I would just 
>need a note from you indicating such for my records.
>Rodney Grubbs
>NASA Imagery Experts Program Manager
>256-603-3270 (cellular, text message capable)
>Follow me on Twitter @rod4dtv
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Barkley, Erik J (3970) 
>[<mailto:erik.j.barkley at jpl.nasa.gov>mailto:erik.j.barkley at jpl.nasa.gov]
>Sent: Monday, March 12, 2018 1:35 PM
>To: Grubbs, Rodney P. (MSFC-HP27)
><mailto:osvaldo.peinado at dlr.de>osvaldo.peinado at dlr.de 
>Peinado; Burleigh, Scott C (312B); CCSDS 
>Secretariat (<mailto:thomas.gannett at tgannett.net>thomas.gannett at tgannett.net)
>Subject: RE: comments to MIA Green Book
>Hello Rodney,
>I have taken a look at the updated document you 
>sent and my condition has been appropriately addressed.  Thank you.
>CCSDS Secretariat,
>Please consider my condition for this CESG Poll 
>(CESG-P-2017-12-006) as being retired.
>Best regards,
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Grubbs, Rodney P. (MSFC-HP27) 
><<mailto:rodney.grubbs at nasa.gov>rodney.grubbs at nasa.gov>
>Sent: Thursday, March 8, 2018 11:36 AM
>To: Barkley, Erik J (3970) 
><<mailto:erik.j.barkley at jpl.nasa.gov>erik.j.barkley at jpl.nasa.gov>
><mailto:osvaldo.peinado at dlr.de>osvaldo.peinado at dlr.de 
>Peinado <<mailto:osvaldo.peinado at dlr.de>osvaldo.peinado at dlr.de>
>Subject: comments to MIA Green Book
>Erik, we have reviewed your comments to our 
>Green Book and I believe resolved each one.  I’d 
>like to find some time to review them with you.
>The attached document includes in the notes each 
>comment we received from the CESG (in context), 
>and with "track changes" shows how we have resolved the comment.
>You may want to review the document before we 
>chat.  Or, after reviewing the document, you 
>hopefully will be content that we’ve resolved 
>everything.  If that is the case, I would just 
>need a note from you indicating such for my records.
>Rodney Grubbs
>NASA Imagery Experts Program Manager
>256-603-3270 (cellular, text message capable) Follow me on Twitter @rod4dtv
>From: Secretariat 
>[<mailto:secretariat-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org>mailto:secretariat-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org] 
>On Behalf Of <mailto:Mario.Merri at esa.int>Mario.Merri at esa.int
>Sent: Friday, March 09, 2018 6:02 PM
>To: Grubbs, Rodney P. (MSFC-HP27)
><mailto:brigitte.behal at cnes.fr>brigitte.behal at cnes.fr; 
><mailto:secretariat at mailman.ccsds.org>secretariat at mailman.ccsds.org; 
><mailto:osvaldo.peinado at dlr.de>osvaldo.peinado at dlr.de Peinado
>Subject: Re: [Secretariat] comments to MIA Green Book
>Dear Rodney,
>I am satisfied with your proposed dispositions of my comments, thank you.
>From:        "Grubbs, Rodney P. (MSFC-HP27)" 
><<mailto:rodney.grubbs at nasa.gov>rodney.grubbs at nasa.gov>
>"<mailto:Mario.Merri at esa.int>Mario.Merri at esa.int" 
>  <<mailto:Mario.Merri at esa.int>Mario.Merri at esa.int>
>"<mailto:osvaldo.peinado at dlr.de%20Peinado>osvaldo.peinado at dlr.de 
>Peinado" <<mailto:osvaldo.peinado at dlr.de>osvaldo.peinado at dlr.de>
>Date:        08/03/2018 20:52
>Subject:        comments to MIA Green Book
>Mario, we have reviewed your comments to our 
>Green Book and I believe resolved each one.  I’d 
>like to find some time to review them with you.
>The attached document includes in the notes each 
>comment we received from the CESG (in context), 
>and with "track changes" shows how we have resolved the comment.
>You may want to review the document before we 
>chat.  Or, after reviewing the document, you 
>hopefully will be content that we’ve resolved 
>everything.  If that is the case, I would just 
>need a note from you indicating such for my records.
>Rodney Grubbs
>NASA Imagery Experts Program Manager
>256-603-3270 (cellular, text message capable)
>Follow me on Twitter @rod4dtv
>[attachment "730x2g0_CESG_Approval with notes 
>and highlights_rg_wl_1.docx" deleted by Mario Merri/esoc/ESA]
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