[CESG] FW: CESG Poll for publication of CCSDS 902.1-R-2, Cross Support Service Management—Simple Schedule Format Specification (Red Book, Issue 2, May 2017)

Thomas Gannett thomas.gannett at tgannett.net
Mon Apr 30 19:52:44 UTC 2018

Dear CESG Members,


Conditions for approval of CESG-P-2018-03-001 Approval to publish CCSDS 902.1-B-1, Cross Support Service Management—Simple Schedule Format Specification (Blue Book, Issue 1) have been disposed to the satisfaction of the AD(s) who voted to approve with conditions. The Secretariat will now proceed with CMC polling to authorize publication.



Logothete, L.L.C.

thomas.gannett at tgannett.net

+1 443 472 0805


From: Gian.Paolo.Calzolari at esa.int [mailto:Gian.Paolo.Calzolari at esa.int] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2018 6:27 AM
To: Colin.Haddow at esa.int
Cc: Barkley, Erik J (3970); Enrico.Vassallo at esa.int; Tom Gannett
Subject: RE: CESG Poll for publication of CCSDS 902.1-R-2, Cross Support Service Management—Simple Schedule Format Specification (Red Book, Issue 2, May 2017) 


Thanks, Colin. 

The proposed changes satisfy the poll condition and Tom can proceed to CMC Poll as soon the (extended) CESG Poll will close. 

Best regards 

Gian Paolo 

From:        Colin Haddow/esoc/ESA 
To:        "Barkley, Erik J (3970)" <erik.j.barkley at jpl.nasa.gov> 
Cc:        "Enrico.Vassallo at esa.int" <Enrico.Vassallo at esa.int>, "Gian.Paolo.Calzolari at esa.int" <Gian.Paolo.Calzolari at esa.int>, Tom Gannett <thomas.gannett at tgannett.net> 
Date:        25/04/2018 12:11 
Subject:        RE: CESG Poll for publication of CCSDS 902.1-R-2, Cross Support Service Management—Simple Schedule Format Specification (Red Book, Issue 2, May 2017) 


Hi Erik, 
                in principal I agree, however there is a little more that needs to be done; 

1.	Reference [E3] "CCSDS Global Spacecraft Identification Field Code Assignment Control Procedures. Issue 6 Recommendation for Space Data System Standards (Blue Book), CCSDS 320.0-B-6. Washington, D.C.: CCSDS, December 2013." needs to be deleted from Annex E 

2.	A new reference [8] needs to be added in Section 1.8 References. This is "CCSDS Global Spacecraft Identification Field Code Assignment Control Procedures. Issue 7 Recommendation for Space Data System Standards (Magenta Book), CCSDS 320.0-M-7. Washington, D.C.: CCSDS, November 2017." 

3.	The Row "frequencyBand" in Table 3-8 should be updated as below (change marked in red); 



The frequency band that will be used by the service. See annex F for a definition of the frequencies each band refers to. If the frequency band is not relevant the value N/A (not applicable) shall be used. If the frequency band to be used is not defined in annex F then the value OTHER shall be used.  For use of the value ALL see below. 

The permitted values are as specified in the Frequency Band Designator (FBD) Columns of Table 2-1 in Ref. [8] with the addition of the following: 
–        N/A 
–        OTHER 
–        ALL 



1.	Annex F can then be deleted completely from the document. 

2.	The reference to Annex F in Section 1.4 can then be deleted. 

3.	There is also an omission in the schema which I noticed when I was checking the Enumerations for the frequency bands.  This means that in the schema listing in Annex C on page C-7 after the 3rd line (i.e "         <xsd:enumeration value="OTHER"/>") the following line should be added; 
"         <xsd:enumeration value="ALL"/>"

I've attached the updated version of the schema to this e-mail.. 

Cheers for now, 


[attachment "SchemaCssmSimpleSchedule-v1_0_0_b1.xsd" deleted by Gian Paolo Calzolari/esoc/ESA] 

Dr. Colin R. Haddow,
HSO-GI, European Space Agency,
European Space Operations Centre,
Robert-Bosch-Str 5,
64293 Darmstadt,

Phone; +49 6151 90 2896
Fax;      +49 6151 90 3010
E-Mail;  colin.haddow at esa.int

From:        "Barkley, Erik J (3970)" <erik.j.barkley at jpl.nasa.gov> 
To:        "Gian.Paolo.Calzolari at esa.int" <Gian.Paolo.Calzolari at esa.int>, "Colin.Haddow at esa.int" <Colin.Haddow at esa.int> 
Cc:        Tom Gannett <thomas.gannett at tgannett.net>, "Enrico.Vassallo at esa.int" <Enrico.Vassallo at esa.int> 
Date:        20/04/2018 23:13 
Subject:        RE: CESG Poll for publication of CCSDS 902.1-R-2, Cross Support Service Management—Simple Schedule Format Specification (Red Book, Issue 2, May 2017) 



Gian Paolo,


My suggestion, pending concurrence from Colin, is to remove the frequency band table from the SSF (simple scheduled format) and replace that directly with a reference to 320.0-M-7, Table 2-1. 


Colin, as you are the book boss, I would like to request your opinion on the matter.


Best regards,




From: Gian.Paolo.Calzolari at esa.int <Gian.Paolo.Calzolari at esa.int> 
Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2018 2:49 PM
To: Barkley, Erik J (3970) <erik.j.barkley at jpl.nasa.gov>; Colin.Haddow at esa.int
Cc: Tom Gannett <thomas.gannett at tgannett.net>; Enrico.Vassallo at esa.int
Subject: CESG Poll for publication of CCSDS 902.1-R-2, Cross Support Service Management—Simple Schedule Format Specification (Red Book, Issue 2, May 2017) 


Dear All, 
       please be aware of the condition below. 

I think it can be easily solved to avoid delaying the eventual CMC Poll. 


Gian Paolo

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