[CESG] Additional presentation to CMC for extra items

Shames, Peter M (312B) peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov
Sun Nov 12 21:06:36 UTC 2017

Hi Nestor,

There is no NWI page for the SecWG inputs because they do not yet have a plan for the work with work level estimates.  What they have is a "plan for a plan".  When they get done planning I'll submit the requests.

And on the subject of "things causing delays to projects", I would point out that the CESG approval cycle for draft and "proposed for publication" document is not the only place where delays are introduced.  It's just the one where there are currently issues being voiced.  I have also given voice to the sorts of delays that have recently been introduced in the SPP and the AOS coding topics where work is being started, or errors are being fixed.  These were not included in the materials you prepared, but they are very real sources of delays and thus should also be addressed.

In  the case of SPP, even though there was a meeting that arrived at consensus on the need and the topics to be covered, involving people from three SLS working groups, and the SIS, SOIS and SEA areas, there was an added request to create a white paper prior to starting the project in the WG.  This is certainly covered by the procedures, but it is usually invoked when there is a totally new, and not well understood, topic being introduced.  In this case the work is quite well understood and the delay somewhat uncalled for.  Just as you have "streamlined" some of the CESG voting procedures to avoid delays the same thing could have been done in this case.

AOS coding
In the case of the AOS coding for uplink there is a clear and documented situation where the topic of using TM coding for AOS, for uplink and downlink, were documented in an earlier CCSDS spec, "TM Channel Coding", CCSDS 101.0-B-6, but got dropped from the current "TM Synch and Channel Coding" spec, CCSDS
In the original 101.0 document, under Sec 1.3 Applicability, it stated, very clearly (emphasis added):

In addition to being applicable to conventional Packet Telemetry systems [1], the codes in this recommendation are applicable to the forward and return links of Advanced Orbiting Systems (AOS) [2]. For coding purposes, the terms ìTransfer Frameî and ìReed-Solomon Codeblockî as used in this recommendation are understood to be equivalent to the AOS terms ìVirtual Channel Data Unitî (VCDU), and ìCoded Virtual Channel Data Unitî (CVCDU), respectively.

For reasons that are totally unexplained in any form that anyone can unearth, this was modified in the current 131.0, under Sec 1.0 Purpose, to read:

The purpose of this Recommended Standard is to specify synchronization and channel coding schemes used with the TM Space Data Link Protocol (reference [1]) or the AOS Space Data Link Protocol (reference [2]). These schemes are to be used over space-to- ground or space-to-space communications links by space missions.

The consequence of this change, which appears to be both editorial and wrongly placed, iy should be in Applicability, as before, is to arbitrarily remove the explicit coverage for AOS uplink from the TM Synch and Channel Coding book.  The only explanation given was "this spec if for telemetry", therefore it should not be used for forward links.  But in the original 101.0 spec this case was covered, with no apparent issue being identified.

The "remedy" proposed for this editorial error is, instead of just fixing the error, to require that a new "Magenta Book" be produced.  I'll leave out of the discussion that this would actually need to be a Blue Book, of type "utilization profile".  Requiring that this error be remedied by creation of a new Blue Book appears to be punitive and will cause expense of resources that could well be invested otherwise.  It also is calling for creation of a new type of document within SLS, for which there is no precedent.  If one were to treat this request as a new policy on SLS document there would be a whole slew of new documents required, specifying how to use TC over specific codes, TM over other codes, etc.  This is a waste of time and resources which could be very easily avoided by simply using a corriegendum to repair the missing text.

So my request is that you either treat all of these sources of delays in an even handed fashion or that you treat none of them.   Furthermore, if you do decide to include the materials that we discussed I would request that you explicitly include the points I made during the meeting on the proximal source of the issue being inadequate quality control at the originating WG and Area level.  All of these issues could have been avoided at CESG review if the documents had been closer to error free and complete when submitted.

Best regards, Peter

From: CESG <cesg-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org> on behalf of Nestor Peccia <Nestor.Peccia at esa.int>
Date: Sunday, November 12, 2017 at 6:33 AM
To: CCSDS Engineering Steering Group - CESG Exec <cesg at mailman.ccsds.org>
Subject: [CESG] Additional presentation to CMC for extra items

Dear all.

Please find attached the additional presentation to CMC.

It still miss some inputs from SEA SEC WG for the NWIs.

Comments welcome


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